Tuesday 21 November 2023

A Stranger in the garden!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy here again!

OTL has been busy over the last two nights. He has a 35mm camera that has video capability and has been wondering if he can capture a shot or two. Trubble is, the format the Nikon camera has will not talk to Blogger so it is back to the Trail Cam which he has mounted on a tripod outside the kitchen window.

Most of the time all we capture is Pidgeon’s, little brown jobbies, The Missus filling the bird feeders and of course OTL setting the fountain on the go button!

As well as that lot we have got a shot of the Fox!

I think it is a female fox by the way it walks and wee’d on my favourite weeing spot!

So, this is what we managed to get. We've cut a lost cos it's a bit boring but we will do better as the nights roll on!

 That's the fox, now guess who?

OK, that's your lot for now, I'm off fox hunting!


Daisy de Fox Terrier!

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well wot a nice bit of video of you having a wee. I hope you gave your permission to be videoed. Probably a good thing you and the fox went at different times or one of you might have left a calling card in fear. Now I demand absolute privacy when I go, I really don't like an audience. Happy hunting Daisy. It's been really chilly here today so me and my mum haven't ventured very far, well she ventured a bit further than me but it still wasn't very far. My mum came back from the shops to say this Saturday, me and her are working, well I wasn't too pleased at first but she said although we were getting up early it wouldn't be as early as silly o clock, it better not be or I'll be striking. Right I'm off to do a patrol before it gets too dark, so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
