Monday 20 November 2023

HMRC and all that stuff!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy Dog here again.

This morning was fun, before it got light, I jumped up on the bed and woke OTL up with the old trick of 'Wet Tonge in Ear' treatment, and it worked, he was out of the bed in double quick time!

We would have been too late to see the sunrise were it not for the massive long tailback on the way to the carpark.

When we got there was a good view through the trees.


There was no sign of Devo or even the lads in fact we didn't see anyone except the two trees, bench and poo bin!

We were about to give up when OTL noticed that the sun was behind the cloud and it looked like it could be a sunrise.

We stood for a while but it didn't get any better and the sun dived down again!

Back home OTL sat down with the HMRC paperwork and commenced to mumble and grumble his way to lunchtime when he finally managed to get HMRC and him to agree on what needed to be paid.

No matter how much it is OTL reckons it is always too much but it will always have to be paid!

Death and Taxes, they will always get you in the end!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Wot a lovely set of pictures today, could only be bettered with a picture of you. Poor OTL, my mum don't like the tax man either, in fact, she's ignoring his latest begging letter, she said he can wait, well there was another word in there wot came before wait but I won't repeat it to your delicate ears. We've stayed in most of the day, we've been round the garden looking at wot jobs need doing soon but it was chilly out there. My mum has been busy setting up an new faceache group for taking the local council to task and I gather on Friday we have a royal visit from a local councillor wot is apparently on right side, he even told my mum his work load is huge cos of all the complaints from local people. So we've not really achieved much today, it was going to be a glue flinging day but my mum said we can do that tomorrow instead now. Well I better go and do a patrol round the garden so take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
