Friday 24 November 2023

Cold Innit?

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here!

It's been a chilly day down here in North Kent. The wind has been blowing down from the north and it's been cloudy all day.

OTL has been bullied by TM to get the Christmas Tree erected and plugged into mains socket.

So, now we have a plastic tree with LED lights that flash on and off giving OTL and me a head ache!

OTL has been out scooping the leaves out of the pond and keeping an eye open for swimming bugs that have taken up residence and looking for a place to hibernate over winter.

We haven't taken any photos today, mainly cos it's too cloudy and when it's cloudy everything looks so drab!

We watched the F1 Practice today and the qualifying will take place tomorrow so OTL and will have a cuddle and watch them race around the track.

Not much else to report, so I'm off to chase the pigeons and woof at the neighbours!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Yep it's been freezing here today as well. I don't know that I would like a flashing tree to be honest. My mum isn't going to put up a tree until much nearer to Xmas on account of she's a bit of a grinch and can't be bothered. Well it's been like Kings X station here today, first up our lovely neighbours from one door down came and then the councillor came, loads of gassing from them all and I didn't even get a look in once they all started gassing. The my old groomer Caroline wot owned Alfie puggle came for coffee and so did Brenda and Millie. Me and Millie fell asleep cos we got bored of the wimmin gassing. My little plates of meat got frozen everytime my mum made me go outside, I was quite comfie and warm snoozing where I was on the sofa. Tomorrow my mum said we're getting up early on account of she's off to do a bit of work but not as early as we used to have to get up. Enjoy the racing tomorrow. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
