Saturday 25 November 2023

Out with the scrappers!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here. 

We were up early today, OTL woke up and found his ears were being cleaned with the wet woofer tongue!

Mind you, he nearly fell out of bed! 

It was dark when we got to the car park but it soon brightened up as we headed for the poo bins!

Not a cloud to be seen beyond the Two Trees!

Looking across the estuary we could see Sheerness and the wind powered generators were being blown around in circles!

OTL tried using the flash on the camera to see if that made a difference but as normal, I turned away!


 Now that was an interesting sniff!


 One interesting thing we saw was a vapor trail from an aeroplane heading east over Europe. OTL said it might be a UFO!

This morning OTL had to use the ice scraper to remove the ice from the windscreen, first time this autumn that we have had to use the scrapper, looks like it could be the beginning of a cold spell!

 See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been freezing here today. My mum didn't have to scrape the car on account of it's got its own bedroom so it wasn't iced up. Me and my mum had a nice snooze when she got home from work. Brenda and Millie didn't come up this afternoon with my treats cos her boy came to visit. Brenda said she will bring my treats in the week. Smashing pictures today, love the one of you finding a good sniff. We watched Mrs TM flinging the glue in her videos. My boy went over town to do some shopping, he bought my mum a new mouse, I didn't know we were getting a pet. I'm off to snuggle down on the sofa so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
