Sunday 24 December 2023

Merry Christmas!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, it's arrived Christmas is here and I have been sniffing around the bottom of the tree cos that's where the best sniffs are!

The Missus says that we won't be able to open the presents until Christmas Morning and as you know morning starts at midnight, so, if we can get OTL and TM to sit up until twelve, we might get to open our pressies early!

WE have been watching the weather forecast and it looks like we won't be getting any snow this year, unless to live on a mountain in Scotland but to be honest, I'd rather have rain!

We are going to have a couple of days off from doing our blog 'cos after opening the sniffiest present we always end up sleeping it off!

TM is the worse, she rattles the windows!

So, here we are, Holly and I wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

 OK, it's not this year’s photo but we wanted to remember Holly.

Thanks to all you Woofers who read our blogs even if you can't leave a comment cos your iPhones won't let you!

The list is too long but you all know who you are!




  1. Have a wonderful sniffiest Christmas, I don't think there's much chance of TM staying up till midnight. Great photo of you and Holly Chops. xxx

  2. Yo Daisy. Well wot can I say, that's the bestest Xmas present I could get, a picture of you and Holly chops in your Xmas hats. How could we forget Miss Chops with all her interesting facts and telling us how to use the internetty to find things out, she was a very wise woofer. I'm off to bed soon, not sure I'll be waiting up for Santa Paws cos I've had a tiring day of snoozing and scoffing and getting cuddles, so if Santa knows wots good for him, he'll tip toe in and out and just leave me some nice scoff without waking me up. We've all had a lazy day today and we're planning on repeating it again tomorrow. So, have a very happy Xmas day tomorrow, hope Santa Paws leaves you lots of sniffy goodies. Take care all, stay warm and safe and put your paws up. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Wishing you all the very best of everything andf hope Santa brought you something amazing to chew !

