Sunday 17 December 2023

Phil the man!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Sundays are special in this house; I get the job of waking OTL up around the same time that the Tesco man arrives with my food!

Now, I don't often see the man but there is enough crashing and banging going on that sometimes I think there is a punch-up going on as TM wrestles the wrestles Tesco man for my food!

It is unfortunate enough noise to wake OTL up and that is never a good thing!

By not rushing OTL and driving slowly down to the Grain sea front we managed to see the very beginning of a sunrise and to be honest it wasn't what you would call a spectacular event!

It has promise but then forgot all about it as the clouds got thicker!

Now, yesterday TM was up the village hall doing her glue slapping and gassing crop, the last one before Christmas and it was reported that they were all dancing and singing around the hall. There were party games and more singing and then the highlight was the 'Where to stick the Fairy'!

Now OTL was presented with a Boozy Christmas Cake by Rosie and Rose and it was made by Phil the Baker!

Now Phil is a Master when it comes to making a Christmas cake, in fact OTL first tasted one of his creations when he won the raffle at the Christmas party some four years ago!

So good is the Christmas cake that OTL has to fight off TM day and night!

This year there seems to be an excess of Brandy which will please OTL and it has a very helpful message to TM which can be translated as.......... 

Keep your sticky paws off my cake!

OTL says Thanks to Phil, Rose and Rosie and we reckon it may even last until the beginning of February, providing TM keeps her paws off of it!

See you tomorrow,



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I'm a tad late reading your blog today on account of me and my mum dozing off on the sofa and only waking up at bedtime. Nice pictures today, that cake looks well good. I reckon if OTL eats it all himself he'll be drunk. I can just imagine all them wimmin singing and dancing, were they all on the bubbles? Now, were to stick the fairy, that is the question, I reckon it might be a tad uncomfortable on the top of the tree, I always feel sorry for fairies stuck up there. We all had a nice lazy day here yesterday, it wasn't as chilly as it has been. Well I think I'll just go and put my paws up for a few more zzzz's so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
