Monday 18 December 2023

Where has the sun gone?

 Hi Woofers.

Daisy here again.

Well, we could have had a betted start to the day but unfortunatly it was cloud all the way from morning to midday!

Even after midday it was still cloudy but that didn't matter 'cos after lunch  OTL and I had a snooze which lasted for most of the afternoon!

That OTL certainly knows how to snooze!

While we were having a snooze TL went up the road to the village shop to get the TV Times that shows what will be showing over the Christmas Hols.

It's a sure sign Christmas is here when she gets the publication, it's a bit like decorating the Christmas Tree, Christmas is here woofers!

Lets keep our claws crossed for a better sunrise tomorrow.

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well my mum put the decorations up today, lots of french while she untwisted all the lights wot was in a big bundle. We've got a smashing picture wot Mrs TM made and it's just above our Xmas trees. We also got a smashing card with a mince pie with glitter on the top from Mrs TM, it does look tasty but my mum says it wouldn't be good for me to eat it. I'm wondering if the elf on the shelf will be tasty, I know Mrs Pat's grandwoofer decided that 3 elves needed a sorting out. It rained a bit this afternoon but I was indoors in the warm so it didn't bother me. I did go for a short walk this morning but it felt damp and I was sure I could sniff the rain heading this way so I decided not to go too far. Tomorrow my mum says she's zooming in the morning and late tomorrow afternoon Caroline the groomer is coming to visit along with Brenda and Millie but that's not until tea time. I had a lovely siesta with my mum this afternoon, it was nice with the curtains closed and the Xmas lights on, it felt really cosy. My mum is too tight to buy these magazines with wot's on the telly, she's had a quick look and decided most of the time it's rubbish. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
