Friday 29 December 2023

Snoozing again!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy back again.

It's been a Super Snoozy Day today. I've even managed to get OTL out of his chair and out for four walks!

The first one was our normal morning stroll in the moonlight. Didn't see any one of The Lads or even Devo, I hope he had a good Christmas!

OTL spent the morning playing about in the office until I pointed out that I wanted to go our chasing birds in the garden who were mucking up the pond after they had washed themselves and made it all mucky.

The sunrise was very mediocre and to be honest we nearly didn't get the camera out!

Looking at the weather forecast we were expecting some wind and rain but even that had disappeared by the time we had finished lunch!

TM is a little better but she is still full of cold germs, you know, all snotty and coughing well!

OTL is staying well away from her, I mean, when OTL gets a cold, it is much worse that a TM cold!

With a bit of luck OTL has plans to purchase another bed for me to replace the one in the office 'cos the bedding in the office is getting a tad mouldy!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I've had a nice lazy day as well. Mind, I won't be having a lazy day tomorrow on account of my mum going to work at silly o clock, not that I was consulted! Still I spose it will keep her out of mischief. My mum's been playing with her new cooking machine today, she's well pleased with it. My boy had a laugh when she showed him the pizza pan though, he reckons you'd be hard pressed to fit a slice in it let alone a pizza. We've had a bit of heavy rain here today but not for too long. Sorry you didn't meet up with any of your mates today though. Well Daisy, you can't have a mouldy bed now, I should put your paw down and insist it's replaced asap. Glad to hear Mrs TM is a little better and hope she recovers very soon, sensible OTL keeping away, us chaps do tend to get things worse than wimmin you know. Take care, stay warm and say and snot free all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
