Tuesday 9 January 2024

Birthdays and little steps!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Thank you for the kind words yesterday both OTL and TM are feeling better, not a 100% but better.

With a bit of luck they could be back to normal in a week or so!

I hope that I will be better as well. That anull squeezing has left me a little tender and I must admit as I wander around the house or out for a walk I am taking much smaller steps and I wiggle my butt more!

Those glands have a lot to answer to!

On to brighter things, today is Archie Babes twelfth birthday and we just gotta sing him our special birthday song!

Are you ready?

After eighty six..............9.............57..............86........😙

Happy Birthday Archie Babe

Birthday wishes and a rave

From all your mates come good wishes to

           and a big smelly poo!

There now, that should keep Archie going for another year!

I bet he doesn't have to take little steps like wot I do!

We had snow overnight but by the morning most of it had gone leaving soggy lumps of mud on the field


 Happy Birthday Archie Babe!



  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot a super picture of MEEEEEEE, thank you for your wonderful song as well. I'll be honest with you Daisy, I take little and few steps, I much prefer to stay in the warm in this weather and if I can be tempted out, I don't go very far, I mean, my butt is fine but it's so chilly my little plates of meat get a tad chilly. I do remember though how the squeezing and then the getting rid of the dratted annuls did make my eyes water a tad so I have to say, parting up with them was the best thing for me and I wish I'd parted up with them sooner but these days there are no huge fingers trying to squeeze the bejabbers out of them and it's such a relief. Now my mum whisked my boy off early this morning to the TL vet and he got stabbed against flu, he's got to go back and get another jab at some point against new monia, my mum can't get him a covid stabbing for love nor money. They wouldn't let me go and watch though, spoilsports. I've been keeping my eye open in case old Hairball gets stuck up a tree again but again, no sign of him today so I certainly reckon he's either been grounded or sent to tree climbing and getting back down school. Good to hear Mrs TM and OTL are improving. You just need to get your butt snuggled down so that the cold can't get too it and keep it warm. Take care, stay safe, warm and rest all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ooh! Hello Archie! Good to see what you look like! Many belated happy birthday wishes. xxx
