Monday 8 January 2024

It's all happening!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

It's been a right state of affairs since Christmas Time.

Somehow The Missus got blessed with a dose of Covid which knocked her over good and proper.

We didn’t know it was Covid until much later.

You know she didn't even make any cards, just sat watching TV, that must have been bad!

After a while she got better but Old Two Legs started to feel under the weather. Again, we thought it was a cold but it got worse and today we tested positive for Covid! So, that's it, OTL is feeling grotty and on top of that my butt has been rather sore and a trip down the vets was called for.

The vet man took a look at my but and declared I was in need of having my annul gland squeezed!

Couple that with an ongoing three-monthly appointment to get me glands looked at and squeezed if necessary!

You know how embarrassing it is to have your annuls squeezed?

Back home the rain came down, which later turned to snow and covered the car, but the good thing was I could go out for a walk and after a few wee's I managed a good poo!


So, unless we get snow drifts six feet deep we should be back up and woofer walking pretty soon! 

OTL is still feeling unwell but not back to normal, whatever that is!


  1. Poor OTL - coming down with the dreaded lurgey. Poor TM too . . . belatedly.
    AND . . . poor YOU for having the embarrassing stuff done at the vets! Not a great start to the New Year! xxx

  2. Yo Daisy. Well that's just awful that you're all suffering. Now I know just how embarrassing having yer annuls played about with is, but thankfully, I no longer have any annuls to cause me problems, I know it did smart about when the vets squeezed the bejabbers out of me annuls, but since having them taken away, I've never looked back. Sorry to hear about OTL still not feeling his best and glad to hear Mrs TM is feeling better even though my mum reckons she's not 100% and if she didn't do any glue flinging she really must have been poorly. Paws crossed all 3 of you are in tip top condition very soon, now years ago they used to recommend Bob Martin's, not sure why but they did and I presume whoever Bob Martin was, he made you feel better wotever the problem. Mind TL's do have some strange sayings and doings. Now, last week I saw a really funny thing, you know Hairball Harry the cooking fat wot lives next door but one, well he got stuck up a tree again. Now my boy spotted him, when he was working up in his office but cos he had 15 minute queues waiting to talk to him he couldn't do anything or tell my mum until Hairball had been stuck for an hour, well my mum got on the phone to Hairball's dad and he said he'd see wot he could arrange about getting Hairball down, now, in the meantime, my boy spotted a squirrel going by on a branch higher than Hairball and he reckons the squirrel was blowing raspberries at Hairball as he swung by. My mum was trying to keep an eye on Hairball out the back window and also for his mum who was due home from work, out the front window and I wanted to go in the garden to call Hairball names and blow raspberries at him but my mum wouldn't let me. Anyhow, Hairball's uncle wot lives in the street, went out with his ladder and got Hairball down just before Hairball's mum got home from work. I've not seen Hairball out and about since so I'm guessing he's grounded. Daisy it was so funny, I was laughing my tail off. Right I've got to go and give my mum a nudge cos my boy will be back from his walk soon so take care, stay warm and safe and get well soon all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
