Wednesday 17 January 2024

Bye, Bye Pidgeon.

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

It's been a bit of a sad day today. OTL and I came down stairs this morning to be accosted by TM who wanted OTL to take the lid off the compost bin and plant the White Pidgeon that had expired early this morning.

Now, that was OK but the lid on the bin was stuck fast on the bin and the lid wouldn't come off!

OTL tugged and prised as gentle as possible and with as much respect until finally the lid flew off and the Pidgeon dived as elegantly as possible into the bin and carried on sleeping!

Having the Pidgeon expire like that is not unusual, when things get cold or it gets to mating time, we often find a bird with its claws in the air and a sleepy look on its face!

Now OTL has been using the same pair of wellie boots all last year, except for when we went away on holiday, so he was in need of a new pair and today TM had delivered a pair of green wellies.

So, come Friday the bin men call and the old wellies will be carted off, safe in the knowledge that they may be cracked but they are still water proof!

The pond was covered in ice so the pump wasn't working, maybe tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow.




1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Sorry to hear about the pigeon being planted in the bin, maybe the sniff of OTL's wellies will revive it. I had to put up with my mum gasing with Mrs TM and Mrs Pat this afternoon when I was trying to have a siesta. It's been right chilly here again today and my mum had to go out twice, she went to buy me some new vests but when she got home, even though they were supposed to be a size bigger, they were smaller than the vests I've already got, so off she went back to the shop to get her dosh back and she's ordered me some new ones of wot she says is the shop wot used to do nearly everyone's undies. So when they arrive I'll will have the royalty of vests instead of cheapie Sainsburys ones. I do like quality gear. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
