Tuesday 6 February 2024

A day of money spending!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

It has been a terrible day for OTL.

It is the day when he has been writing cheques, sending BACS and checking Direct Debits and on top of that, the expenditure is less than the income!

Always a good result!

Mind you he reckons that the expenditure is always too much and the income is always too little!

OTL was going to do a bit of rock rolling today but TM banned him from rock rolling until his eyes stopped rolling!

No pictures today 'cos OTL didn't take the camera out on either walk, he's getting right lazy nowadays!

The pigeons have been taking long baths in the pond and leaving scum marks all around the edges!

Still no sign of the froggies yet, maybe they have all gone next door while the fence was installed!

Now then, I have always been a Multi Coloured Woofer, there are places on my body where I have patches of ginger hair.

They only show up when my hair gets long, like now, when I am in need of getting a haircut. I won't be getting a haircut until the end of this month so I'm afraid to will have to put up with the ginger bits until then!

Bye for now.


Ginger Daisy.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Ginger Daisy. The boy has a ginger beard when he lets it grow, you must be related. Smashing picture of you all snuggled up there in your bed. Probably not a good idea to roll rocks when your eyes are rolling. It's been a bit of a lazy day here on account of me going to the TL vets this morning. I have to say though, TL vets aren't as good as 4 paw vets, I didn't get any treats when I went, wot tightwads they are. I had a good chat with Mrs TM and Mrs Pat today and I heard you telling OTL it was time for walkies. You have trained him very well. Right time to cook the sausages for the boy so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
