Wednesday 7 February 2024


 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Didn't it rain last night?

It was nice and dry last night when we went to bed and after a while, we could hear the rain pounding on the window pane but when we went out first thing there were puddles of water everywhere!

There were mighty big puddles in the road and along the grass path!

There was no sunrise, just grey clouds!

About the only thing with colour was the catkins, but even they had water dripping from them!

It was the same all day and I had to have a rub down with my doggy towel to get the water off my tummy!

Can you see the ginger between my claws!

I was glad to get into my bed and wriggled around until I got dry!

More rain is forecast for tonight so we may get the pond to overfill tonight!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it started to rain here about 8 last night, in fact it was blowing a right gale as well. It's been very cold and damp here today. Smashing pictures today, specially you snuggled in your bed showing your ginger paws. I had a good time watching Mrs TM doing her Seth Apter printing today and chatting with her and Mrs Pat again. I had a quick siesta this afternoon when it got quite chilly. Hope OTL is feeling better and not getting so dizzy. I'd better go and sort the boys scoff out or he'll be complaining about the service here. Take care, stay warm and safe and paws crossed we get missed by the snow tomorrow. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
