Sunday 11 February 2024

A Day of Sniffs!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy back again.

Well, today I managed to get OTL out of bed early. I jumped up on the bed, stuck my cold wet nose in his ear the licked his bald head. It only took a moment, he wandered into the bathroom had a wee and got back into bed.

Well, it was ten past three, so I got TM up and she let me out for a wee!

By the time I got OTL up again it was seven and I got down to the sea front it was getting light but no sun.

No sun, no Wormy Men, No Woofers and No Sniffs!

There was no sign of the lads and no Devo, in fact it was no one except us!

I couldn't believe there was no one around and did some serious sniffing along the sea wall but all the sniffs were yesterday sniffs!

Just how close must I get to a sniff?

OTL says that as soon as it dries off the catkins will start shedding pollen and will start his hay fever off.

There were other plants showing signs that it is getting close to blooming, now, who knows what this one is?

I'll give you a clue, it makes OTL sneeze!

In full bloom it collects butterflies by the ton!

There has been a feral pigeon sitting in the garden looking all sad and not very well. I reckon it is either not very well and it won't be long before it has an appointment with the compost bin!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot smashing pictures today. You look like you're doing serious sniffing there. I had a nice walk with little Buster and his mum this morning. Buster was one of little Arch's mates and it was nice to see him and watch him sniffing all the way round the walk. We've got some green shoots in the garden coming up, so when the weather gets a bit warmer hopefully they'll give some pretty flowers. Now that OTL is getting a tad lazy not getting up when you tell him and taking you out. Wot a good job you've trained Mrs TM well. It's been quite cold here but dry for most of the day. It's been a day for paws up and snoozy. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
