Monday 12 February 2024

Spring is here, just.

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Success, I managed to get OTL out of bed early enough to beat The Lads to the sea wall!

The sun was still hiding behind the Sheerness horizon and we managed to get to the meadow before it was full up!


 The sun is doing it's best to get up!


 The Sun is getting up quicker every day, little by little.

We had to walk through the forest and noticed that the Hawthorn blossom had bloomed overnight.

What was noticeable was the flowers in the pots in our garden and judging by the number of bulbs planted last August we are expecting a lot more in the next few weeks. 

Pretty colours.

The fence men walked over a few of the daffodillies but they have grown up straight and it won't be long before they bloom.

Spring is just starting!

Bye bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well just look at your lovely flowers in the pots, well done you for supervising OTL when he planted them. It's been quite sunny here too but very chilly. I met up with Boris the bounce this morning when I went for my walk so I walked along with him and his TL. It's always nice to have a walk and chat along with TL's and woofers. I haven't seen Hairball Harry today, although I reckon he's stretched out in front of the fire at his house having a nice snooze and keeping his 2 woofers in their places. I expect our flowers will be blooming soon so the garden will look a bit more cheerful. Smashing pictures today. Good on OTL for obeying his command to get up quickly. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, from little Arch's mum and his boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
