Sunday 18 February 2024

Sunshine and Rain!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy Dog here again!

Looking at the weather forecast last night we were threatened with rain and floods of water for the first part of Sunday.

Of course, that didn't stop my bowels from demanding a run across the fields so I can have a poo!

OTL was having a bad night and his back was giving him cause to complain, so The Missus came to my rescue and off we went, in the rain!

We took a look at the pond hoping to see some frogs but the rain falling into the pond disturbed the surface and all we saw were plopping rain drops!

A little later, after we had come back, the rain had eased off and we saw that there was another patch of frog spawn.

If they all hatch then we may have an army froggies marching around the garden chasing the birds off the feeders!

We got our eye on you!

The flowers are all poking up now and Harry Heron is keeping a close watch on activity around the fountain!

One splash and I'll have you, providing I can get this rock off my claws!

Spring is sprouting all over the garden now.

The Brown Bin sort of spoils it and the white bag doesn't do it any favours!

The Daffs are coming up as well!

It won't be long before OTL will be out in the garden doing all the weeding!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot a good job Mrs TM came to the rescue for you this morning. Now how did OTL do damage to his back, wot's he been up to? Hope he hasn't been carrying too many heavy glasses of the nightcap type stuff. I've had a quiet day today, mainly it was lashing down first thing, then when it eased off I went off and did a quick bit of shopping. Then I had a sit down on the sofa and fell asleep, it was nice. The boy has done 2 long walks today so we could have pizza for tea because I really fancied a meat feast, he is a good boy. I might do some gardening when the weather gets drier and warmer but not yet. Right I'm back off to the sofa for a paws up evening. Take care, stay warm and safe all and hope OTL's back feels better soon. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
