Monday 11 March 2024

No Rain!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well now, there may be no rain today but what a drab misty day it's been. First thing this morning we were out along the Grain Sea Wall in the mist.

Not a pretty sight.

Walking along the sea wall we met up with Barny II walking with his Two Legs. They walk quicker that OTL and me. It was up near the forest steps that we met up with The Lads and Cody kept dropping her ball at OTL's paws for him to throw.

Barney II getting ahead of us!

We caught up with The Lads before the forest steps.

Now, it was a good sign that we saw the Daffodillies were still there and hadn't got picked for Mother’s Day.

It's a good sign that they are still there.

Look, we've escaped Mother’s Day!

The gloomy weather managed to last all day and all I have got look forward to is a bath and haircut?

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been cold, grey and very damp here today. I did put my nose out the door and pop up the shops earlier but I'm staying firmly put for the rest of the day. The boy has done his lunchtime walk and is planning to go again when he finishes his work today. Glad to see the daffodillies didn't get pinched. Smashing pictures today, glad you managed to meet up with a few mates for a sniff and a chat. I'll keep my paws crossed for you tomorrow, maybe your groomer might not feel well enough to work so you can get a reprieve. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
