Sunday 10 March 2024


Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, I can't say anything more than I am disappointed with today. The Missus got some Mother’s Day cards from the offspring and OTL was gifted with a box of chocolate covered honeycomb.

Needless to say, OTL finished off the honeycomb this evening while at the same tome washing it down with some single malt whisky!

That OTL does love his single malt!

Walking was rather wet today; this morning was all puddles and boggy bits around the Grain Sea front. We took the camera but left it in the car 'cos it was just too wet to take it out with us.

Lunchtime was about the same, wet, damp and a case of I'd rather be at home and in a nice warm bed that tripping around a wet football field, in fact as soon as had done a poo, I was running back to home in double quick time!

All I've got to look forward to next week is a wash, splosh and a haircut!

Mind you, come Thursday OTL has to look forward to the local vampire taking a pint of his blood!

That will teach him!

See you tomorrow,



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's rained here all day as well so I haven't even put my nose out the door. Anyways, it's mother's day so like all good mother's I've spent the day with my feet up, munching on various different boxes and jars of choccies. It's been really nice to lounge and just put a hand out and grab another choccie. The boy has done his mandatory 2 walks today and come home soaked both times, then he treated me to a takeaway dinner. I reckon I could put up with mother's day every Sunday if I really had to. I don't blame you for not wanting to be out in the rain for too long. I hope you got a share of some of the goodies. Keep your paws crossed Daisy, perhaps OTL might give you a reprieve and postpone your wash and splosh. Tell him to have a think about it or else you'll make a hole in his arm so the vampire won't have to when they take his blood! Right back to the sofa and lounging with my choccies, so take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
