Wednesday 20 March 2024

Phone Home!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy back again!

Well, after yesterday’s excitement in meeting up with Devo and Zoro I was looking forward to seeing them again but there was no sign of them today.

However, there on the grass edge to the main path we saw a mobile phone laying on the ground and when OTL switched it on saw that it was fully charged!

As normal, we had missed the sunrise so the best we could do was to see the afterglow!

At the end of the month the clocks jump forward so we can look forward to catching a sunrise for a month or two!

After glows can be a bit boring!

One thing I have noticed, the buds on many trees have started to swell and the leaves have started to unfold.

It won't be too long before there will be leaves on all the trees.

Going back to the phone, when OTL tried to open it, we saw it needed a 'finger print'. as all Two Legs have different finger prints that means only a PIN (Personal Identification Number) can override the log in process.

Unless you are OTL!

By pressing the on/Off buttons and Volume control we managed to see the last number dialled.

It was lucky that the owner of the phone not only owned the lost phone but also owned the phone it was calling!

So, a quick call and arrangements made to join together lost phone and TL!

There now, OTL's good deed for the day!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot a find, you and OTL are very honest to find the owner and give it back to them, I bet they were pleased. I hope there was a reward of some woofer chews. Sorry you didn't see your mates today. It's not been a bad day here, we had a little bit of rain but mostly dry and a bit warmer than it has been, which made a nice change. I had a walk up the shops and met Brenda and Millie just as they were setting out for the shops. I have to say, we didn't meet any other woofers either. Millie was having a good sniff though, I thought we'd never get to the shops and back. The boy has done his 2 walks today, so now it's time for paws up for me and him. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
