Thursday 21 March 2024

Wriggly Tiddly!

Hello Woofers

Daisy and a hundred baby frogs!

I got OTL to wake up a little earlier with the hope that we would meet Devo and Zoro but when we got to the car park there was no sign of them, in fact there was just one spaniel looking woofer who was charging up and down the football field chasing a ball.

We let him carry on and headed off to the sea wall.

 Again, not much of a sunrise.

 It's amazing that the sunrise can change so much in such a short time. This shot is taken from the top of the field and you can see the sun through the cloud.


From the sea wall we saw this view.

There, taken from on top of the sea wall.

Again, not the best sunrise we have seen but you can see how much it has changed over a period of five minutes.

We came across a couple of Spannerdoodle dogs who where getting all excited over some sniffs on the top of the sea wall.

Back home The Missus got all excited and demanded OTL get the camera and follow her into the garden.

Now OTL has been saying that the small wriggly things in the pond looked like insects but TM was convinced they were small tiddlypoles.

OTL fitted a filter to his lens and that cut out the light reflecting off the water.

Guess wot?

 Can you see the Taddlypoles?

This lot were swimming around, nibbling at the egg sacks and the green weed that has grown in the pond.

So, it looks like TM was right and OTL wrong! We will be getting a good stock of frogs this year!

I have seen a hedgehog in the garden so there is only a grass snake to see to complete the list!

The next target is in the insect family, Dragon Fly, Damselfly, Pond Skater and other pond life!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy and the Taddlypoles.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy and the tiddly taddlypoles. Well there you go Daisy, you've got lots of guarding of your precious little pets to do. Men never learn that us wimmin are never wrong. I've been cutting the grass today, wot a job, took me an hour and half. I had to do all the edges and use the rake to make sure all of Little Arch's little mates were safe from the blade of the lawn mower, I can confirm that not a little froggie was injured during the great grass cut. I suggested to the boy that he takes over the grass cutting in future but he seems to think, if it's down to him, he wants a robotic grass cutter, that would never do. So did you make friends with the woofers you met up with today? Sorry you didn't get to see Devo or Zorro. Smashing pictures today. Just think, in just over a week the clocks go forward so it will be a bit darker when you get up. I just wish they'd leave the clocks alone, I can't be doing with losing an hours snooze. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
