Friday 22 March 2024

Snoozy Sunday

Hi Woofers,

Daisy back again.

Well, it's Friday so that means it is practice time for the F1 racing in sunny Australia!

The Missus has been up at silly o clock watching the practice and the crashes and it was Williams who wrote off one of their cars down to the chassis so for this race one of the drivers had to give up his car for this race. The good news is, they will have a replacement car for the next race.

OTL and I were up early and lucky us, we met up with Devo and Zoro down at the beginning of the forest path.


One of the good things is that I'm off the lead 'cos I'm a good girl and won't run away but Devo and Zoro are the sort of dogs who can't be trusted to come when called!

Unlike me wot is an obedient woofer!

I can hear him but I just don't want to wait for him!

To walk with Devo, we have to go around the walk-in reverse, that is in an anti-clockwise way, not a walking backwards!

We saw The Lads chasing their balls but as we were up the top of the path there was no way I was going to be running all the way down there to say good morning to them!

OTL has been collecting frog spawn sacks from out of the pond. He's thinking of getting another water pump so he can install the old whisky jar we use to have in the old pond.

We spent the afternoon watching a film on the TV and yes, TM fell asleep half way through!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I'm glad you met up with Devo and Zorro today, I hope you were ladylike and no smooching in public. Shame about the car crash, now the boy saw a car crash when he was out walking at lunchtime. He felt very sorry for the lady who caused the crash cos she had her 3 month old TL inside the car and she was very worried, so he stayed with her until her husband came. I don't know why they don't make cars out of the same stuff they make the tyres, they would just bounce off. It's been a chilly sort of day so I didn't get a visit from Hairball, he only seems to appear on days when he doesn't find it too chilly. Well the boy is off work for a week now except for Tuesday when he's got to go in to London, he's not really looking forward to it because it's so busy and crowded up there. Right, time for paws up now. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, little (he didn't come when called) Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
