Saturday 6 January 2018

An Early Start and Holly gets a Trim!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

OK, the weekend has arrived again and The Missus is off up the village hall again with her ladies doing a bit of glue slapping.

Now, that means we have to get up early so that she can get all her card making stuff up the hall and get back to let Old Two Legs take us down the beach in the small car.

Today OTL has a bright idea, Let TM take the small car and we will go out in the big car!

Good idea wot?

Only problem is, we have to go early so we can get back to claim our parking space, parking around here is at a premium at weekends!

That means we got down to the beach when it was dark!

OTL decided to play with the controls on the camera trying different settings, some worked, sort of and some didn't work at all!

First he tried a hand held shot of the moon but the shutter speed was too slow and the moon looked like it was dancing all over the sky!

Then, just for fun he changed the settings to 'Automatic' to see what the camera would do.

Well. the camera decided it needed flash and this is what happened.

The moon was still fuzzy but that was because of the clouds!
He decided that astrophotography could be left for another day and went off looking for something a little closer to earth!

Me, by flash!
Again, left on automatic, it didn't do a too bad job but the auto focus was terrible and took ages to find me!

As we got closer to the beach the light got lighter and it wasn't so dark, auto focus looked better but both Holly and I were facing the wrong way!

Woofers farewell!
Having decided that woofer photography can wait until the sun came up he then set about trying some 'Landscape Photography' but really what he wanted was a tripod. Still, it wasn't too bad, hand held and all that!

Sheerness by moon light!
It was still dark when we got back home so Holly and I headed for bed while OTL started poo shovelling!

We had a visit from the Bookkeeper to collect last months paperwork but he didn't stay long 'cos he still had the flu!

OTL kicked him out as soon as possible, we don't want any germs in our household!

After all that, Holly was invited into the bathroom and she thought it was just to get her butt washed but no, she got the full works, soaked and shampooed and rubbed and scrubbed!

I was hiding in the bedroom, I wasn't getting anywhere near her in case OTL got any ideas!

After getting washed and sploshed, she then got trimmed and snipped and shaved and baldified!

OTL was working on her claws and managed to cut into the quick on the black claw. You just can't see where the quick is on a black claw like you can on a white claw!

Normally if you cut into the quick it starts to bleed and the way to stop it bleeding is to block the claw end with some soap.

In this house hold we have the liquid soap, not the old fashion soap bar, so OTL had to use some of that stuff he calls Vaseline to seal the claw.

Of course, Holly is licking the stuff off he paw and it starts to bleed again! In the end, what with her licking and OTL applying copious amounts of Vaseline the bleeding stopped!

OTL has put a bar of soap on next weeks shopping list, I hope he never has to use it!

We got a visitor tonight, Auntie Shirley who went to the U.S.A. with TM, should be fun, with a bit of luck the muggins should be good!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. The pictures are very interesting. Mind, it's no fun being out at that time of the morning when it's all dark and cold. I much prefer to go out when it's light and I can see who and wots about. I had a nice lay in this morning but tomorrow I'll be up when it's dark ..... boooo. I had a nice surprise this morning, I knew that when I got up my boy would have gone to work so there was only my mum to keep me amused but when my mum went to have her bath at 10.00, we were upstairs and we heard the front door open ......... Well, my mum went into full guarding mode, ready to attack whoever came thru the door, I was right behind my mum just in case she needed back up, when we looked it was my boy ......... he said he'd finished work for the day, well we were expecting him home at 5.30 but he said he'd been called out at 3.30 this morning and had been at work ever since. It seems some numpty decided to break the glass in one of the big doors so they could go in and steal stuff, but they didn't realise the alarms go off and the inside doors are all locked. My boy and his friend stood guard until someone could come out with a new bit of glass this morning. I'm quite pleased that they didn't need me to go as guard dog cos I was sound asleep when he went to work and I didn't even hear him go. My mum says I'm not really very good at being a guard dog, but she can't talk cos she didn't know that he'd gone either. Now all this grooming lark has resulted in poor little Holly chops getting a sore claw, poor Holly, I hope it feels better soon, you'd think that OTL would put something tasty on the claw for Holly to lick off, like a bit of chicken or a piece of steak. My mum has been glue slapping today and I helped her with interesting edges on her card, I'm good like that. I hope your visitor brings you something interesting to mug. Have a lovely evening all, stay warm and snuggly. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. The pictures were different today but all good fun for OTL to have a try at, the one of you I couldn't work out what "it" was at first because I was looking at the fluffy top bit and then trying to decide what "it" was but then hey pesto it was you with tail at the top and head at the bottom! silly me!! Fancy having to go to the beach in the dark, still I don't suppose you found many people sun bathing and you could go back to bed when you got home. I hope TM had a good day with her ladies and extra special treats tonight with your visitor, make sure she doesn't fall over when leaving!
    Now what is this poor Holly injured while being groomed, is she going to sue him for thousands of chicken strips and plawn quackers, get a lawyer. We have a bar of soap in our downstairs toilet as well as liquid soap so there is a choice, it means the liquid lasts longer. Hope the paw isn't too sore, poor Holly and clever you for staying out of the way, try to look thin coated then OTL won't get any bad ideas. Stay warm and cosy and hope you get top notch muggings xxxxxx and extras for Holly XX
