Monday 5 February 2018

We go a visiting!

Yo Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret back again!

Well, today we have been visiting Uncle Alun and Auntie Glynis who are Old Two Legs cousin. They live in Surrey and are moments walk away from a forest! We have been  here before but it is always great fun 'cos there are loads of squirrels running around the place and as you know, Holly and I do love a good squirrel chase!

Most of the time we have been listening to them laughing and talking and it seems like OTL is off to Scotland with Alun a bit later this year looking for Sea Eagles!

Mind you, that means The Missus will have to look after us and take us out for walks and read us a bedtime story like wot OTL does!

We haven't taken any photo's today 'cos OTL spent all the time chasing after us who were chasing squirrels!

OTL said he saw a rabbit but we didn't believe him 'cos there were no rabbit sniffs anywhere!

Just when we were getting comfortable, we were left on guard duty while they all went out for a meal and you know what?

There were no Doggy Bags brought back!

All we had were Brambles biscuits and water!

If we are lucky, we may get chicken tomorrow, claws crossed!

We are off to bed now, it's been a long day and we have got to tell the ferrets what we've been up to today and hear their tales!

Bye Bye for now,


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Sounds a very exciting day to me. I don't like squirrels, they use very bad language, we've lots of them here and they come in my garden a lot and then when I chase them they sit up the trees swearing at me and saying lots of nasty things. Did you manage to catch any? I'm not sure I like this guard duty then no doggie bag, that's not playing the game, is it. Did the ferrets do the guard duty at home while you were all out? I reckon you deserve double rations tomorrow. Enjoy your early night. I should tell OTL he can only go if he takes you and Holly chops on his search for sea eagles, I'm not sure Mrs TM will tell you bedtime stories when she tucks you up at night. It's been freezing here again today, when I went out for my morning wee at 4 it was trying to snow but it didn't manage it. Hope you have a lovely snuggly evening with some much deserved muggings. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Well you never mentioned snow and when we woke this morning everything was white and thick at that. It has gone now but Pattens Lane through to Medway City Estate didn't seem to have had any at all. Our garden is still white even now at 7 pm so you seem to have missed it. Michael posted a picture of a squirrel that sat on our fence a while ago so have a look in case you have forgotten what they look like. Pity no doggie bag for doing all that guarding, they either didn't get much food themselves or were very hungry after the journey so better luck next time. Make up for it tomorrow it is supposed to be getting milder but then colder at the weekend it will keep those visitors off your beach. xxxxxx
