It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!
Today has been a sort of 'Wet Day', like it started to rain as we were out walking this morning, mid you, the clouds looked a little dramatic!
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It looks like rain! |
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If it comes down any more the sniffs will be washed away! |
That should keep the frogs happy, never mind the other things that lurk at the bottom of the pond!
We did like the idea of a couple of paella pans full of meaty stuff just waiting to be eaten providing the council to set fire to the grass!
Mind you, we are rather partial to a bit of fish fried in batter, preferably a bit of cod!
We loved the idea that Archie Babe's Two Legs has got an itchy bit, Holly says it must run in the family 'cos Archie suffers from an itchy butt and has to get it squeezed every so often.
Does that mean his TL will have to get her butt squeezed!
Now, there was the question of a 'Mixed Bag of Weather' from Mrs Goodes.
Holly Chops says it is rather simple really. A Mixed Bag means you can get several types of weather at once, say rain and sunshine. That way you could find yourself getting wet and rusty and rain dripping off your nose while at the same time the sun can be burning your butt!
It is in conditions like that you will see a rainbow but not from your butt!
Just watch out for the Horizontal Rain together with a Snow Blizzard, that could give you icicles on your bits!
Holly Chops has spoken!
Bye for now!
Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!
Yo maties. Well we've had the mixed bag of weather here as well. Now I went up the shops early when it was very sunny but cool cos the sun hadn't long got up. Then half way thru the morning we had some light showers in between the sun. Then, just as my boy was finishing work at 12 and my mum had just gone up the shop, the heavens opened here and we had a deluge. Hehehehe they both got wetted. Now me being sensible, wanted a wee and my mum opened the door, I took one look and declined the offer to go out and hid behind my boy. So that was 2 big drips in my house and one dry little Arch. I'm constantly surprised with how clever Miss Holly chops is, she knows EVERYTHING. Now I did get into a bit of bother up the shop this morning, while my mum was gassing to Richard, I was waiting patiently like the good boy wot I am and they were chatting away for ages, all of a sudden my mum looked down and she sort of guessed that something wasn't quite right, so she tried to turn my head so she could see me, but I wouldn't, so down she gets and pokes her fingers in my mouth, well she missed on the first go then she said she knew I was up to something, so she had another go and found a packet of love hearts in my mouth, well bless my soul I said, standing back in amazement, how did they get there, it must be magic ............. So off she went into one telling me about shop lifting and stealing and wot happens to shop lifters and stealers.......... was I bothered??? I was only bothered cos she nicked me love hearts, wot a thief she is!!!! She said I'd have to wear my muzzle if I did it again ....... yeah well we'll see about that, I must remember to swallow quicker next time, you know, hide the evidence. Now this itchy butt question, I wonder if she would go to the vets to get it sorted but she said her butt isn't itchy, I'll be watching though to see if she rubs it on the carpet, it's her tummy wot itches where she had her plasters, anyways, me being the generous chap I am said she could borrow some of my anti itch spray or even have some of my anti itch tablets, she said no thanks but thanks for the offer ...... I dunno, you just can't please some of these TL's. Very nice pictures today, love the one with you and Holly chops. The sniffs were very good here this morning, the rain yesterday seemed to freshen them up a bit. Right well I better go and keep an eye on my mum so have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (Robin Hood) Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteWell I am dumbfounded as to what to say to that lot, just hope I can publish my reply as I am in a wet soggy field! We arrived in the dry and got sorted, Michael put the empty fire bucket by the end of the awning, he couldn’t be bothered to walk all the way to the water tap. Hey presto, it rained, well it poured and the bucket overflowed, the little concrete path behind us became a little river which gradually seeped away but then it filled up again, we had a few flashes and booms but now it is quiet and dark and I am not going to look to see our personal river. Thank Holly for explaining about mixed bags, I have enjoyed reading your Diary and Archie’s account of itchy butts and shop lifters and am crossing paws that this publishes on my I-pad with a dodgy signal, love to you all xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHooray 😁