Monday 3 February 2020

Another one of those Ferret Days!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a Grey Old Day it's been, we thought we would have got some sunshine this morning but missed out! Just grey skies and a muddy foreshore!

Not the most inspiring!
When we got home the ferrets were hammering on the cage waiting to get out and of course, as soon as Holly and I were locked in the bedroom they were running around and banging on the bedroom door!

Miss Wendy had to pickle in her and was bouncing off Eric in her 'Invatation' to play a game of chase!

It's funny to see her do that, she rushes up to his shoulder, bumps into him then backs off, rolls over onto her back, rolls right over, gets up and runs under the sofa or one of the chairs!

All the time Eric is trying to grab her but somehow never succeeds!

So it goes on with the pair chasing each other all over the house!

Lunchtime Old Two Legs took his camera out with him and photographed the Hawthorne Blossom we spotted the other day. From just a couple of blooms, today the flowers were all over the tree, yep! Spring is Here!

Just look at that lot!
There were a couple of boxes to be dropped off at the carrier so Holly and I had a long drive down to town and we had fun woofing at the woofers we see walking along the side of the road!

Let's hope the weather picks up and we get a sunrise tomorrow, claws crossed!

Bye bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Watcha maties. Well it's been another fairly sunny day at too but still very chilly and I didn't see any of my mates when I went out. I saw Boris the Bounce looking out of his window when I went by. Good news today, my boy has got a few more days off. It's so nice the 3 of us home at the same time. Nice pictures today. Them ferrets really have a good time at Godwin towers. Hope you & Holly chops enjoyed your ride out with OTL. Hope you all have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. The ferret chase sounds really fun, no wonder they wear themselves out and need to sleep. I did see the sun today for a little while after lunch we walked up to the shops with Margaret to keep her company and then had a cup of tea and biscuits, all nice and dry but it rained while we were there so we had to get a bit damp walking three houses home. No cake as she hadn’t made it yet so hoping for a sample tomorrow, she makes good cakes does Margaret. Hope you had fun at the carriers and managed a few raspberries at passersby. Have fun xxxxxx

  3. Ha ha ha . . . with that description, I can just imagine the ferrets playing and charging about.

