Saturday 15 February 2020

Here comes Dennis the Menace!

Hi Woofers!

Yep! It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

Well, not the most inspiring day I will admit. We looked out the window this morning and although there was a bit of rain it didn't worry us too much. Mind you, no sunrises like yesterday, just a sort of brighter spot behind the very grey clouds to show where the sun would be if it were not for the clouds!

We didn't hang about too much and was soon back home and tucked up and finishing off our snoozing while the ferrets rampaged around the house and Old Two Legs cleared up the piles of poo in the ferret cage!

He loves it really!

The Missus has been up the village hall today with all her mates, slapping the glue and glitter about, we reckon she should have to get a license before she is allowed to wave that stuff about, it looks too dangerous to us!

Lunchtime the rain came down, not so much in bucket loads but enough to make us all wet, and that includes OTL as well!

When we got back OTL puts the football on and we join him on the sofa and we all fell asleep!

That was until TM arrived back home and of course we had to give her the 'Woofers Welcome' even though she looked like the fairy on top of the Christmas Tree with all that glitter!

Let's hope tomorrow is better and while we don't mind the wind, we could do with less of the rain!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. I went out early, no not that early but sensibly early, bought what I needed and headed home just in time to miss a drizzle. Margaret rang this afternoon to see if the Tea Shop was open and lucky for her it was serving tea and biscuits only so she put her mac on and headed this way to catch up on all the exciting news! Keep your ear on Dennis tell him who is boss and keep out of the sea xxxxxx 💕 💕

  2. Yo maties. Well this Dennis is a pain and wind in the butt. It was alright when my mum went to work & it wasn't too bad when she came home but it got worse during the day. I told my mum there was no way I was going out in the wind so I just do speed weeing & run back in, I'm not daft. Me and my mum had a lovely snooze on the sofa, all snuggled up after she finished her chores. I can't do chores now on account of hurting myself the other night when I was making the bed, I mean my mum wouldn't want me having any more injuries. I think Mrs Sue had the right idea, get out before the nasty wind & rain came. Hope you didn't get too wet when you went out. My mum and my boy have both got the day off tomorrow so we'll all stay home nice & snuggly. Hope Mrs TM enjoyed her glue flinging, I bet the wind blew the glitter off her. Hope you all have a lovely evening, stay warm and safe. Love, licks, wags & sniffs from little Arch & the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
