Friday 17 April 2020

Guess who came out with us?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly. Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

It's a bit of a change regarding the weather today, like yesterday it was warm and balmy breezes and a ferret.

Today it is all change! The wind has got up and when we went out at midday there where white horses on the waves.

White Horses galloping in on the sea.
Of course, with the wind blowing in from the sea that means we were getting a bit cold, so, when we had finished sniffing we ran along the top path to get warm again!

Come on, I'll race you to the poo bin!
We met up with Milly who was off the lead and she ran up to Old Two Legs woofing her tail off and only stopped woofing when OTL gave her tail a tickle!

As soon as OTL stopped, Milly began woofing again!

That was good, do it again!
 Now, today Eric stayed indoors and instead The Missus came out with us. Now TM is a bit of a wimp and just doesn't do cold and windy, so, she is dressed up like an eskimo!

I mean, no wonder she didn't want to have her photo taken, everyone could see wot a wimp she is!

TM keeping warm!
OTL has been busy this afternoon doing his 'Accounts' and messing about with the computer program that works out the VAT he has to pay!

That's a job that always makes him unhappy!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Hello TM! Well, I THINK it's you . . . Hard to tell really!!!!! LOL!

    Been raining here, but managed to get a walk in between showers!

    Take care all xxx

  2. Yo maties. Well I wondered why I didn't see Mrs TM on video today, there she was getting blown all over the place by the wind. Well I was grounded today, firstly on account of being wot my mum says was naughty yesterday, eating something wot sniffed super but then my boy got up to look after me when my mum went to work this morning and I cried, then he took me and we went in my mums bed and I cried, so he took me back downstairs and I cried. Then we all watched the new Stars Wars video and I made lots of fuss and we had to keep having intermissions so I got the blame for that too. So I seem to be still in the doghouse. My mum has ordered me to be sent home from the vets on Monday with a worming tablet .... yuk, see I get no sympathy and to cap it all, it's raining. Nice pictures today, that little woofer looks very sweet. Poor OTL having to do accounts for the vat man but perhaps he can get some back from him seeing as we're all in lockdown, good luck OTL getting some cash back. Hope you all have a good evening, take care. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (didn't want to go out in the rain anyways so ner) Arch and the Nippers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
