Saturday 29 August 2020

Another Busy Busy day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

We thought that a Saturday would be a good reason to stay in bed a little longer but that doesn't happen in this household. First of all, around four in the morning The Missus is up watching herself on the TV, Gawd, wot a Deva she can be!

So, not happy with waking us up she wakes Old Two Legs up who in turn wakes us up again!

That was it, when OTL heads off to the shower we go into the office and wake Eric up!

So, earlier than normal, there we wee'ing our way across the field!

This morning OTL was still busy packing up stuff to be shipped as soon as the weekend is over. I mean having a Bank Holiday gets in the way of working!

Lunchtime we were off again but without Eric who was fast asleep in is bed. 

Down on the sea front there were white horses on the waves, Autumn storms are on the way!

Now, I've been seeing some funny looking things on wild rose stalks. Holly says that they are called 'A Robins Pin Cushion' and it is caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp that feeds on the host plant, but causes little damage. Yeah, it's the wasp that we don't like!

 We stay away from anything that looks like it will sting!

 Mind you, we have once in a while sniffed up an ant or two!

 OTL went sniffing for Dragonfly's and Butterfly's as well as Common Lizards, two out of three ain't bad! First he found a Common Blue that was munching away on the last of the Blackberry flowers.

 Just above, on the bush next to the bramble bush there was a Dragonfly having a breather after charging about chasing other dragonfly's!

I remember when we used to get big Southern Hawkers diving in and out of the bushes but nowadays it seems there are only small chasers chasing about!

We are off to watch the F1 Racing, Practice and Qualifying and then tomorrow it's the race proper.

 Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well I was up when it was still dark as well on account of my mum pushing me out of bed cos she was going to work .... it's really not fair is it. We've had a bit of rain today but not too bad, although the big river half way up our road is still there. Me and my mum had a snooze when she got home from work for a little while. There's chinese take away heading to our house this evening, king plawns and clackers. I better get a sniff of it or I'll be right put out. Nice pictures today, I'm with you and Holly chops, I don't like wasps either and they sting more than once, I'm still cross about the one wot stung me on the paw and in my mouth a couple of weeks ago, mind at least that one won't sting again. You and Holly chops look very smart in your harness's. I've got to get up early on Bank Holiday Monday cos my mum is working so now nice lay in for me. I bet Mrs TM looked good on the telly. At least OTL can have a day off on Monday and spend it looking after you and Holly chops and taking you out for a nice sniff. Enjoy the racing stuff. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
