Thursday 26 November 2020

A Boring Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

You know, there is something right boring about Autumn and Winter. I mean, once you get over the colours of the leaves as they fall off the trees and the Winter frost and maybe a bit of snow to get cold in, what's left?

A warm spot under Old Two Legs desk!

That's what happened today. We were out just as the sun got up this morning, no other woofers and no new sniffs.

So, back home, curl up on the bed waiting for the ferrets to get washed and cleaned and put back to bed.

Around half eleven OTL waved 'Good Bye' to us and headed out the door before we could ask where he was going. As we looked out the bedroom window, we could see that he was off in the big car, not more repairs!

We started to worry when The Missus got us ready for the lunchtime walk and there was still no sign of OTL!

Has he run away and joined the circus? 

We got back from our walk and half an hour later OTL was back! It seems he has been to the hospital to get his eyeball checked. Remember he had a laser shone into his eye to help adjust the focus, well it seems that now he could do away with his glasses for distance work but still needs correction on close up work, like reading and counting his pocket money!

This afternoon we have been snoozing under the desk, TM has been doing another video, listing what bits everyone will need for the next 'On Line' crafting.

Holly said we should do a video, you know, 'How to Sniff for Puppies'!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well now usually I would agree with you that Thursdays are boring but today hasn't been boring, but I wish it had been. Firstly my mum told Sonia to give us a ring at about 10 and we would walk up the shops with her, well my mum was just doing a few jobs before we went but at 9.20 Sonia rang and wanted to go now, so we dropped wot we was doing and we went with her up the shops. Trouble was, on the way, everyone we met Sonia was telling all about her legs giving way and she had us to stop her falling over. Do you know we was out for an hour and I was getting a tad cold and hungry. Then we had chaps round digging holes and filling them back in again, but, they've left their barrier across our driveway and my mum needs to get the car out to go to work tomorrow. Now my mum phoned the county council and she was not amused with them, in fact, she's got so much steam coming out of her ears, I'm hiding behind the sofa. I'm glad OTL can see well enough to count his cash cos that's really important. It was nice of Mrs TM to take you out today. We're going to watch her video soon, just as soon as my mum had destroyed the barrier out front. I think I'll stay here behind the sofa though. Take care all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
