Sunday 15 November 2020

F1 Brmm, Brmm!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Being a Sunday, we get an extra hour in bed, well we do but The Missus and Old Two Legs get up the same time as normal!

OTL looked out of the window and climbed back into bed 'cos it was pouring down!

I mean, there were deep puddles out the front of the house and the pond was almost full up!

We still had to go for a walk across the Old Golf Course and I will admit, we did an exceedingly quick wee and a poo then it was back home before we got too wet!

Once we had dried out and OTL had finished playing 'Chase the Squeaky Ball' with Eric it was time for the F1 racing from Turkish Grand Prix. Looking at the TV it looked like it was wet there as well!

Holly and I got a Twisty Chew and set about eating it while the racing was on. I handed the chew to OTL who held it for me while I gave it a really good mullering!

Once the racing was over and Lewis won the championship for the seventh time, we got OTL to take us out for a walk.

The sun was out and although we kicked the ferret cage, both ferrets were fast asleep, so, no exercise for them!

OTL took the small cameras but put on the zoom lens. This means he could get a better picture of the Train Water Tower.

Pity they lost the train!

The golf course has a big pond and we sometimes see a heron fishing for food. We were wondering if there were fish in there or just frogs and stuff like that. Holly sometimes has a sniff and says there was nothing she could see that looked like lunch for a heron!

No, nuffin there today!

Which only goes to show how wrong she can be! Can you see the gold fish in there!

OK, so not really big enough for a three course dinner, but they are fish!

So, other than that we have had a proper lazy Sunday and a good chew!

Back to work tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well it's been a lazy day here too. Firstly it was raining cats and frogs so I declined the offer of a walk. Then my mum went through Mrs TM's video from yesterday and she's been flinging the glue all day while I snoozed and sometimes pointed out where she was going wrong. I helped clear all the stuff away, there was some card on the floor so I helpfully got rid of it, now my mum has accused me of stealing her fairy and a tree .... as if I would steal anything, ever. Glad you managed to get out for your walk, the wind has been so icy here it would take your eyebrows off. Glad you managed a nice lazy day as well. Take care all and have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Definitely a duvet day today!
    Oh good . ... I'll check out TM's video channel and see what I can see!!!

