Monday 16 November 2020

Treats for Us!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

You ever get one of those nothing days? Well today wasn't one of those!

The ferrets stayed in bed while we went for our morning walk and we saw a couple of woofers in the distance but we didn't meet up with them.

We were running low on treats; I blame the ferrets who always manage to get double treats to go with their slurp of Ferretone!

Lunchtime was a little 'busy' as Old Two Legs had to take some stuff to one of his customers. We had our run along the beach even though it was just passed high tide. Holly and I were taken home and OTL picked up all his stuff and headed off to deliver it all.

When OTL came back he was carrying three bags of treats!

There were two bags of Chicken Strips that the ferrets just love and both Holly and I are quite fond of!

I can just see them robbing OTL of the strips after the Ferretone!

The Missus has been busy with her video today and OTL spotted a mistake and pointed it out before the video was finished and TM told him to 'Go Away'

Well, we think that was what she said!

We haven't told the ferrets there are two bags of treats for them so we would wait until the morning!

Other than that, nothing else has happened today, so with a bit of luck tomorrow will be better!

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well we've had a very busy day here. First my mum went to work, then she came home and did some jobs, then we had a very short siesta, then my boy wanted his hair clipping .... I sat and watched and laughed at that until my mum chased me out of the kitchen, then we all watched Star Trek Discovery, then more jobs, then cooking tea. We watched Mrs TM flinging the glue, we didn't hear her telling OTL to go away though. We're looking forward to putting our paws up this evening. You are lucky getting 3 bags of treats, I don't get 3 bags of treats ........ now all say aaaaahhhhh. I do get treats but they don't last long. Glad you had a nice walk today, I on the other paw declined the offer to go out cos it's been drizzling here on and off. Take care all and have a lovely evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the Nippers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
