Thursday 14 January 2021

Very Very Wet!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

Now, if you thought it was wet yesterday, well today it has been doubly wet!

The path to the football field was flooded and normally there are no puddles there!

When we got to the field it was very very quaggy, every time you took a step it was possible that you would slip over!

Entrance to the golf course was flooded from the field right into the football field!

On top of that it was raining, like pouring down so much that Old Two Legs double lined trousers were soaked through!

His hat was soaked as well!

Such was the rain that we left off our lunchtime walk until four thirty when the rain slowed down a little, but we still all got wet and muddy and OTL got told off for bringing us home with mud on our paws!

I mean, where else can we have a poo!

Tomorrow it should get colder and there is the chance of snow soon, brrrrh!

I must learn how to use that white bucket thing they have in the shower room, at least I won't get muddy on my paws!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Hasn't it been wet today, do you know, I didn't get as wet from the bath the groomer gave me as I did walking back to the car to come home. It's freezing out there. No woofer should have to go out in such conditions. Now this problem of where to poo ....... I only use my garden and then my mum dashes out and picks it up. When I was little and I first lived here, my mum used to put down these sheets wot's supposed to be for puppies wot aren't house trained, now they were great fun, I used to wee and poo on one, then I had a game of how far could I drag it before my mum caught up with me. Perhaps Mrs TM could put down some of her card stuff for you so poo on, I mean, you never know, you might do a really good design and give her some inspiration of a new card. I just stand at the back door, take a deep breath, dash out, poo or wee and dash back thru the door then take a breath. I reckon it would be hard to use the big white thingumy in the bathroom, it's just so high up, you would need some steps to reach and then you could fall in the hole when you got to the top. I'm not best pleased about being nearly drowned, dried and brushed at the groomers but I was in such a hurry to get home that I nearly stood still for a little while. I'll be burrowing down under the blanket tonight to keep warm. My mum says we've got to get up early tomorrow cos she's going back to work ...... yuk, yuk, yuk, I don't like going out when it's pitch black, freezing and wet. Take care and stay safe and warm and dry all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch, the Nippers and Pedro. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
