Thursday 4 February 2021


 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

What a day, we got all wet and soggy first thing this morning, it seems that the water doesn't like draining away down this end of the world. Mind you, we are at sea level so we expect the odd puddle or two!

Yesterday and most of today Old Two Legs has been plonking away on the computer, seems he is trying to transfer shed loads of files from one computer to the network stowage things.

Trouble is, the computer doesn't always want the files 'cos it already has files with the same name so OTL has to change the name. Now that is OK when you have one or two but the number OTL has made his head hurt!

Lunchtime, after our walk, OTL and The Missus went off for their stabbing! We sent a letter through to the Stabbing Station saying that they would rather be stabbed in the butt!

Seems that the sight of OTL's but being stabbed was just too much for the staff and instead they got it in their arm!

Well, you can hope!

Because OTL didn't cry too much, he was given a sticky badge that says 'I've had my COVID-19 Vaccination'

Oooh he is such a big brave TL!

I've got to get off the computer now as OTL is going back to file shifting!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well did Mrs TM get a sticky badge as well? My mum is going to get stabbed tomorrow afternoon, I would have liked to have gone with her to hold the lead and make sure she doesn't bite but I think I'll be having a siesta. It's been a cold rainy day here today. I was just about to go for a walk and when my mum opened the door it was tipping down to I turned round and went back to have a snooze on the sofa instead. Wot happened to you yesterday, was OTL hogging the computer again? Take care and stay safe all and have a lovely snuggly evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hope you're both ok after the stabbing xxx

    1. Yo ! Not problem Sarn ... but been sleepy today ! Xx

    2. Yo ! Not problem Sarn ... but been sleepy today ! Xx
