Tuesday 27 July 2021

Year End and that's another one done!


Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here again.

Guess wot? at the end of the month OTL will be celebrating another year of paying taxes, in fact he will have been in business a whole twenty-seven years!

You know, that is more than twice the age of Holly and I plus a bit of Eric!

Today it has been a little wet, OK, not a little but more like very wet!

It's funny to see Old Two Legs rushing around the house shutting all the windows before the carpet or curtains get soaked!

Lunchtime there was a 'window' in the wet and off we went around the sea wall. 

We saw a new flower, all white with a bud behind it.

 OTL didn't know what it was called but confirmed that it started off his hay fever!

The tide was out so there was no chance of a swim or deep paddle! Mind you that doesn't mean there was nothing there. As we got close, we could hear a rook making a load of noise but couldn't see where it was coming from.

It was Holly that spotted it, a mother rook feeding the young rook. It was the young rook that was making all of the noise, typical youngster, screaming and hollering to be fed, being too lazy to find its own food!


 Holly said that all youngsters were noisy and can't understand why they don't take time to enjoy the flowers instead of disturbing the peace and quiet!

There were no bugs on the bushes, it was too windy but at the forest there was a Red Admiral resting on a flower. OTL tried taking a photo but it was doing what OTL called a 'Woofer Pose'.

Turn around and stick yer butt out!
 No! I will not smile for the camera!
 So, that was it, although OTL hung around he didn't get a front view, just the Woofer Pose!

Back home a new toilet seat has arrived and OTL has got him a job to do, maybe tomorrow when he finds out where he has left all his tools!

Bye for now.
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. We've had a dry day with lots of sunshine again. I went for an early walk and when I got to Brenda's house I refused to go by, instead I was dragging my mum towards the door, well Brenda and Milly spotted me and they came and told me to go in. I got lots of sympathy from Brenda and Milly plus a treat. When we got home the vet had left a message to say she had the swab results of my ears and I've got something posh called messasomutoruther, grow bags as my mum says, well the vet is ordering in some stuff wot's going to get rid of it and she said she'll give it to my mum at my appointment tomorrow. I've got an early appointment so I should be back in time for an early walk and maybe some more sympathy and treats from Brenda and Milly if I time it right. It's been a boring day with my mum doing all sorts of jobs and going out to by some more trellis for the garden and fixing it up and hanging out washing and bringing in dry washing ....... yawwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn. My boy is on late shift today so I'll see him later. Smashing pictures again today but my favourite is the one with Holly chops. Congratulations to OTL for being in business so long, he must be very clever. Well I think I've earned a nice siesta before dinner so take care, stay safe and have a lovely evening all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
