Tuesday 20 July 2021

Warts and All!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Seems young Archie Babe is going to get 'de-warted' today! Now I've never been de-warted but I reckon Old Two Legs will bless me with the cone if I did. Only because I'd have a go at nibbling the vet for getting anywhere near to my warts!

Eric was telling me that when he was down the vets to get his tumour frozen, we met up with a woofer Shiatzu who just loved wearing the cone!

Daft woofer, thought it made him look important wearing that thing!

Lunchtime we met up with Bob and his mates. Bob had been in for a dip but we missed it 'cos the tide was going out! 


 Bob the Damp Doggy!

 Old Two Legs was more interested in a bloom he spotted. Now these things were the size of a golf ball!

  Not seen these before!

 Then we saw a fly that looked all worn out and was having a rest on the concrete.

Holly says it's a Flesh Fly!
Although there was a breeze blowing it was still hot and Holly was gently plodding along while I went off looking for a swim!

There are times when I could do with a rest!

 Holly reckons there will be some thunderstorms soon which normally come after the hot weather. At the first sign of a flash, you can bet OTL will be up there with his camera and tripod. One looking out of the bedroom window and another out of the office window!




See you tomorrow.




Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Evening all, little Arch's mum here, little Arch is still quite sleepy at the vets but he'll be home later and reading your diary. Now with all the hair the vets are taking out of his ears, he should be able to hear the word NO when I tell him and he should have a sweeter breath if you or Holly chops fancy a smooch with him. He's had 6 warts evicted and will be coming home with a t-shirt instead of a cone, he hates the cone and lets me know by bashing me in the legs with it. Smashing pictures today, Bob looks very pleased with himself. I'll let Arch have a read and comment later when he's awake and home. Take care, stay safe and have a good evening all, lots of love to little Eric, another brave little soldier. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love from Arch's mum and his boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yo maties. I'm home :) It's been a long day and I was starving and busting by the time I got home, only one meal at the vets ..... plenty of cuddles though. Well I've got dressings on my bald butt, dressing on my shoulder and the rest of me looks like I've been in the wars again, specially one of my eyes ...... I'm telling everyone I took on Tyson. I didn't get my t-shirt on account of it being so hot today, but I've got to go back on Friday for more cuddles so my mum can buy me one then. I've got a pretty pink bandage on my leg where they stuck a knitting needle in it. I would have preferred a blue one on account of me being a chap. I think I'll go for a siesta, got to keep my strength up for singing happy birthday to my boy tomorrow. Take care and stay safe all and have a good evening. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little (very, very brave) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hope Archie is doing okay today and behaving himself!

    Nice pictures OTL.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
