Thursday 2 September 2021

Waking up OTL.

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

It's the anti-flea day today.

At the beginning of the month all us woofers get a dose of stuff on our shoulders to keep away the nasties that lurk in the long grass around this end of the world.

Many years ago, Holly got a Tick who tried to eat Holly from the outside and ended up being 'unscrewed', which is the way to get rid of the nasty little things.

Well, from then on, every month we all got some stuff squirted on our shoulder which kept away all the nasties and before going on holiday we had some anti-tick stuff squirted on our shoulders which was HORRID!

It itched and dried and pulled on the hair and skin and had me rolling on the carpet trying to get rid of it!

Well, we never got ticks on the carpet and never again did we get the little things trying to eat us!

We also keep away from where Holly picked up the tick!

The ferrets are lucky cos their stuff contains anti-tick stuff where I have to switch to a different stuff!

Getting out at lunchtime was great, no rain, a bit of wind but the tide was out. I tell you; the tide is like the old-fashioned trade union, everyone out!

Because he had been rattling his cage door all morning, Eric was woken up and harnessed up and marched to the traveling cage.

He gets his first run out on the football field, not that he moves very far, just enough to get too Old Two Legs boots!

Don't move, I'm coming over to you for a carry!

Down on the beach was great, loads of super sniffs and I even got to dig a couple of holes and then roll in them!

  The trouble with holes is the sand gets up your nose!

Eric was up on the rocks, scrambling from one rock to the other, he had decided that rock climbing was more fun than digging holes and rolling in seaweed.
The lads got no class!


 I'm a Cockle Shell Ferret!

 Walking along the grass path on our way to the car, it's then that I miss Holly 'cos we would share sniffs as went along. Eric walks beside me but I just can't get excited about some weasel poo! 

 If you think weasel poo is great then you’re as nutty as squirrel poo!

We met up with the pug who sounds like he's gargling with custard and had a chat. Eric reckons they are just a little bigger than him and given a good start he could sort them out with no problem!

Friday tomorrow, F1 Racing and the beginning of the weekend!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Smashing pictures today, you and Eric look like you're enjoying the walk. You know I can understand you missing Holly chops cos she knew so much about sniffs, all the interesting details, I'm sure Eric is learning as fast as he can but having a smaller head means he has a smaller brain so he can't cram as many facts into it as wot Holly chops could. I know wot you mean about that flea stuff wot they put on your shoulders, I don't like it either, first off it makes a bit wet spot on my back and then like you say, it dries and makes the hair all stiff ....... yuk. I had a couple of ticks once, my mum has got one of the screw driver type corkscrew sort of tools wot unscrews the little sods, nasty little bugs they are. We reckon next doors mini TL has been born today, they said it was due today and they both went out this morning, then the chap came back about an hour ago and then he went again, so we'll be waiting for all the yowling during the night cos my mum says that's wot mini TL's do best. If it wakes me up I might have to tell it to woof off ...... my mum reckons that I'd sleep through a hurricane though so she told me not to worry. Alfie puggle is due here Saturday ........... honestly, it can be a hard life at times. Enjoy the racing tomorrow, I'll probably be snoozing on account of my mum making me get up early tomorrow for work ....... see ........ a hard, hard life. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and my boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Great photo's today.
    Awww, we all miss Holly still. It'll get easier though.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
