Tuesday 26 October 2021

It's all back to normal, whatever normal is!

 Hi Ho Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, after a long time the Internetty returned earlier today and then the afternoon arrived and with it came the telephone!

So, we are all back to normal with the communications.

You can tell its half turn, there are loads of Mini Two Legs running about making loads of noise.

We went for a walk down on the sea front and some Two Legs had arranged for the Mini TL's an alfresco lunch but first they had to go around the field picking up all the rubbish that had been left around the place!

Down on the sea front I met up with a couple of woofers who were about my size and we all had a sniff before that ran off chasing their TL!

Down on the beach there's a real good rolling sniff!

Down on the mud flats there were the Brant Geese enjoying some lunch again. There were no other woofers around and to be honest, I couldn't be bothered chasing geese!


 It's lunch time!

Before going home, we dropped into the garage for some fuel and then off to the vets to collect my Distemper Log Book, well, we need to know when my injection is due!

Back home The Missus is doing some preparation for her demos on Friday. 

Whatever turns you on and it is being shown 'live' on FaceAche Friday morning.

That means Old Two Legs will have to get up early for my walkies!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.

1 comment:

  1. Yo maties. Well more lovely pictures of you Daisy, that's a real treat for me. I went for a late walk today and called in to see how Brenda and Milly were doing, Milly was fine but Brenda was still quite poorly so Milly came for a walk with me and my mum. Now I just hope she don't get the wrong idea and think it's a date, cos as far as I'm concerned we're just mates. I'm far too young to have a girlfriend. We're planning to call in again tomorrow and see how Brenda is and Milly can come for a walk with us if she wants but I better put her straight about us just being good friends. I sent my mum out to get all the leaves us at lunchtime but more have come down since, I really think someone should fling some glue on them and keep them stuck up in the branches. Me and my mum had a lovely snuggly siesta cos she was a tad chilly and tired after getting up all the leaves. Now my mum read about this Boaty Mcboat face boat wots coming round your way early tomorrow morning, wot a daft name for a boat but anyways, I was wondering if you and OTL would be getting up extra early to look out for it. We'll be watching out for Mrs TM on Friday on faceache. Glad you managed to find some nice woofers to have a chat with today. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
