Friday 22 October 2021

It's Happy Birthday Daisy Time!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Well, what a day it's been. I woke up this morning to find one of my favourite chews on the bed next to Old Two Leg's head.

In the course of retrieving, it I managed to stand on OTL's head, then I sat on his ear and spent a good half an hour eating the chew!

That woke him up!

Because it's my birthday I get to choose where to walk today and I just fancied a walk along the sea front.

First of all, I spotted that the Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin were on show! First time we have seen them since Spring Time!


 There they are, things are back to normal again!

There was a load of noise coming from the mud flats and when we climbed down to the sea front there were loads of Brant Geese feeding. They are a little early this year so we can expect some cold weather this Winter!

 Honest, Brant Geese and it's only October!

 The Fungi looked wonderful having grown to its full size and on top of that there were some more hidden in the long grass and better still, not visible from the path!

I must have a look at what these are called!

 Being my birthday, I got to have a dig on the beach and then I caught a good sniff so managed to have a good roll!

 There's a sniff under this lot and it may even be a crab!


 Get stuck in, it's yer birthday!

 Now then, OTL came up with a Birthday Song and it went like this:-

Happy Birthday Daisy Doo

It's time for a Poo

Get yer bum off my Ear Hole

or I'll set Eric on yoo!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Happy birthday to you, 3 wees and a poo, happy birthday dear Daisy, I'll do one for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Happy birthday Daisy. Lovely pictures today, specially you having a roll on the beach. It was really cold this morning when my mum sent me out for a wee before she went to work, I don't like cold dark mornings, I prefer to stay in bed a bit longer. My mum was tired when she came home so we had a nap on the sofa and I laid on her shoulder for a while then I laid on her legs. My mum was flinging the glue and gassing again today with the ladies on zoom. Honestly I get fed up with being neglected. It's been quite cold here for most of the day so I've only gone out when I really need too. That was a bit of luck finding a chew in the bed so you could lay in and munch, double bubble. Hope you're getting something really nice for your scoff today. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Pssst just listening to a programme on the telly, truffles grow under tree roots and you can make a £1,000 a kilo .......... good truffle hunting Daisy. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hah! I saw that programme too and though if Daisy.

    Belated happy birthday wishes to you Daisy - apologies for the late comment. Sounds like you had a good day.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
