Wednesday 22 December 2021

I Found some Buds!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Last night it was cold, I could tell that 'cos the electric blanket wasn't keeping Old Two Legs warm, mainly 'cos The Missus kept pulling the duvet off of him!

As we went to bed a quick look out of the window showed the cars to be covered in frost, the sky was clear and the moon shone bright!

That was a good sign that we would get a good sunrise, providing we were up early enough.

We weren't, in fact we were late, a whole half an hour late!

We may be late but the sniffs are still frozen!

We met up with Max and Oscar who were on the other path and heading back to the car!

When we got up to the top of the hill the sun was galloping away and we had missed the sunrise, but, OTL fiddled with the controls on the camera hand came up with this shot.

Not bad but not enough red!

We were late getting out at lunchtime 'cos OTL was busy with the accounts but when we did get out, it was starting to get dark again!

It's so late you could see the beginning of the sunset!

Now, as promised, Spring is on its way, look!

The buds are starting to swell already!

With a bit of luck, OTL should be up earlier and we may even get the elusive sunrise, claws crossed!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well I've had a very busy day today. I went for an early walk and didn't see any mates, not even Boris the bounce at his window. It was so cold, the frost was everywhere and very chilly on the old plates of meat. The washing machine and drier have been going all day today. Brenda and Millie came down for a warm up and to bring us some pressies, their heating was broke again so they appreciated the heat and a nice cuppa here. That Millie was a bit cheeky though, she sat on my mums lap the whole time and she wouldn't get off. After Millie went home Alf came to stay until Friday afternoon, he's not a happy chappie, his mum had to lift him out of the house so his boy could bring him round, then he laid by the door trying to squeeze his nose in the crack to get out and go back home. He's decided to go to bed and sulk now so he's not going to be fun this evening. We're nearly sorted for Xmas, just a few more small jobs to do, the chip fryer has been emptied and washed all ready for home made chips to have with some cold budgie on boxing day, now why don't they call it wrestling day instead, cos me and my boy are bound to be having some wrestles on account we don't do boxing cos you can't get gloves to fit my paws. Smashing pictures today. Daisy, don't worry about getting up early in this cold weather, much better to stay in bed warm and snuggly. Shame about OTL getting mugged for the duvet, has he thought to ask Santa Paws for a duvet of his own then Mrs TM can keep her duvet to herself and he can have his own one so he don't have to share. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Thought I would call by and wish you all a very happy Christmas and remember past friends and family, lots of love and keep warm xx

    1. Love and best wishes to you and Mike, Sue. …. a Very Merry Christmas to you both and a safe and Happy 2022 … TM xxx

  3. Archie l just love your your adventuress and, your thoughts about other interlopers that arrive at your house ! …. Thanks for sharing your wise words with us … much love to you, your boy and your mum xxx Happy Christmas xx TM

    1. Merry Xmas to you Mrs TM xxxxxxxxx I'm thinking of setting up an advice column here on the internetty, any problems just give me a shout and I'll sort you out with a nice solution ;) xxxxx

  4. Sarn …… have a fabulous Christmas xxxx TM xxx

    1. Aww thanks Eileen. A merry Christmas to you, OTL and the fur babies. Enjoy!
      Hugs, Sarn xxx

  5. Lovely pictures by OTL. Best to stay warm and cosy inside when it’s frosty outside I reckon!!!

    Happy Christmas to you, Archie and co.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
