Monday 28 March 2022

OTL is caught nibbling!

Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy here again.

Well, not the sunniest day this year but at least the wind has gone and we are left with another sea mist!

It was so misty this morning that Old Two Legs took just one photo to prove just how misty it was!

No, I've decided that neither the mud or the water is worthy of a splash today!

We headed off down the sea wall, said hello to a couple of gulls that were making a terrible noise, I mean, if they have found food why the devil do they have to shout about it!

Because the mist was so thick, it left dew drops on most of the grass and flowers. It was a good job OTL had his small camera 'cos if he had brought the big camera, he would have had to kneel down into the wet grass to get this shot!

Back home there was some 'manufacturing' to get done and sent off to the carrier before lunchtime. We managed to get it all done before I felt the need of a wee!

Once again, we were down the sea front and today, we met up with Charlie and his mate Suzie. Suzie is a bit cautious about OTL and needs some time to pluck up the courage to come and say hello. Charlie, on the other paw just loves OTL and spends all the time trying to jump onto OTL's lap!

Charlie has started to learn commands and has worked out what 'Sit' means, but his big problem is working out just how long he has to stay sitting!

Down along the forest you could see the leaves beginning to burst through the swollen buds. I tell you, it will be leaves all over the place soon!

Just look at that one!

Back home OTL had to wait for his lunch, The Missus was doing another of her Oscar Winning films on how to slap glue on the ceiling!

As a treat he got to have a slice of TM's birthday cake that came from Auntie Rose. Now OTL is banned from helping himself to a slice but every so often he gets a nibble when TM isn't looking!

Sneaky or wot!

Let's hope the sun comes back tomorrow, who knows, we may even get to see a sunrise!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I went for an early walk this morning, it was a tad chilly even if the sun was out and I listened to the forecast and we could get some snow later this week. We got some news from Brenda today and it seems that she won't be going to hospital and is hopefully on the mend but if things change she'll let us know and we will be ready to take Millie. I met my little mate little Alfie this morning on my walk, little Alfie makes me laugh cos he's tiny and he tells all the other woofers he's going to chew them up and spit them out, except for me, he likes me and we discuss sniffs. Smashing pictures today. How's the sink hole doing, I hope it's not leaking. If I was OTL I'm leave you on look out in case Mrs TM spots him pinching a bit of cake. Me and my mum look forward to watching Mrs TM flinging the glue. My mum did a bit of glue flinging today cos her new stamps arrived. My boy is off the next 2 days which means we can all have a lay in, no one is disturbed by someone getting up to go to work and crashing about and it means I get some wrestling in. Take care, stay warm and safe and watch out for the snow drifts. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
