Saturday 7 May 2022

A day for Snoozing!

Hello Woofers.

It's Daisy here again!

You know, other than a Sunday, Saturday is one of my favourite days. I mean, no getting up too early, no important jobs to be done and even The Missus doesn't shout at Old Two Legs too much!

Down on the sea front the clouds were heavy in the sky and were promising a drop or two of rain!

 Well, it looks like rain to me!

No matter which way you turn the camera!

We didn't hang about too long; you see we had left my rain coat at home and I didn't fancy a wash and a splosh without any shampoo. Let's face it, I don't reckon a splosh even if there is shampoo present!

Lucky for us the rain held off until we got back to the car and we were safely on our way back home.

As normal, I headed for my bed in the office, it's a pile of blankets located between the rubbish swing top bin and the chest of drawers in OTL's office.

Not only do I have a soft warm pile there but I have most of my squeaky toys and some odd bits of rawhide that I can have a chew on if I get the urge!

I've got a squeaky Chimp and an Ellyfump and a squeaky Penguin and we have cuddles!

Looking at the Penguin, he is on his back with his feet in the air, it looks like that picture called 'The Scream'!

Only it doesn’t scream, it squeaks!

Lunchtime we were down the sea front again and this time there were no rain clouds in the sky. Looking over the church we could see some impressive clouds.

Well, I think they are impressive!

This time of the year is super, I mean, the leaves on the trees are all fresh and new and the insects are all buzzing around. We even have got the St Marks Flies charging around making OTL grumble and curse as they keep bumping into him!

He doesn’t like it when they land on his face or slip between his eyes and his glasses!

Once we are out of the area where they swarm, we get back to the forest and the leaves again!

Now, don't they just look great?

Sunday tomorrow and back to the F1 Racing, life can't be any better!




  1. Yo Daisy. I'm seriously jealous of your lay in this morning. I was up at silly o clock after being up at even sillier o clock when the toilet decided to go bonk. There was me and my mum trying to sort it out, then I needed a poo while I thought of how to mend it. Well I went out in the garden and cogitated the problem, my mum decided that she wasn't going to waste anymore good snoozing time and turned off the water at the mains. We went back to bed but we couldn't get to sleep on account of it was bothering my mum and she wouldn't keep still and then the alarm went off and we had to get up for work. Me and my mum are both looking forward to getting into bed tonight, mind we're not looking forward to getting up at silly o clock for work tomorrow. I tell you Daisy, I'm a very mild mannered chap but if that plumber man don't cure the problem on Monday, I might just have to take a chunk out of his butt. No one messes with me and my snooze if they're sensible. We've had a quiet day on account of being creamed and it did rain quite a bit until this afternoon so I've spent most of the day with my paws up. Smashing pictures today. Do you know Daisy, I've got the exact same penguin, effylump and monkey as you. I reckon Santa paws must have chosen them toys specially for woofers wot are really, really good. Hope you all enjoy the racing tomorrow, I'll probably be having a siesta. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fab cloudscape again! Lovely picture of you zonked out xxx. Enjoy the F1 tomorrow xxx
