Sunday 8 May 2022

Well, it was going to be a lazy day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy de Doggy here!

It's been a bit of a day today, first we were up early and down the sea front to see if we could catch the sunrise.

No chance!

We did see where the local hooligans have been bending the poles that form a fence around the football pitch.

Now, what shall I do, bend it back or wee on it?

There was a little bit of sun and clouds but nothing to write home about!

A few sunrays but that's it, nuffin else!

Back home Old Two Legs missed out on his shower 'cos the electric shower decided to go on strike!

That was it, he got the spare 'shower engine' out of the loft and a pile of tools and spanners and other stuff.

There was a leak at one of the valves so he had to get a new one of those plus a length of heavy duty three core cable!

Now OTL thought it was Saturday today and went off to the Plumbing Bits Shop to get his bits but of course the shop was shut so it was off to B&Q to get the necessary then back for a walk.

Holly loved the Whelk Case Balls and just for fun I threw them into the air, just like Holly did!

OTL chased me along the beach and up onto the sea wall but I still hung onto the Egg Cases and even had a chew until he caught up with me!

A chew on some Whelk Egg cases

Back home OTL spent the whole afternoon fixing the shower and just five minutes after he finished, The Missus came home from her day up at the village hall with her mates and asked what OTL had been doing all day!

F1 Racing tonight and back to work tomorrow!

Such fun!

Bye for now. 


Daisy de Doggy.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy De Doggy. Wot's with all this bathroom stuff going on strike and causing problems for our TL's. The plumbing man is supposed to be coming here tomorrow to sort out the toilet in the bathroom but my mum isn't hopeful that it will be a simple fix and for free seeing as how they only fixed it in the middle of February which isn't very long ago. We've had a quiet day today on account of me and my mum both working this morning. Now I've been thinking about the question you pose, should you bend the pole or wee on it, we'll I reckon you should wee on it on account of when the yobs try to bend it again, they'll get wee on their hands wot might teach them not to do naughty things. I bet Holly chops would have loved to have been with you throwing them whelk thingys around, she was very good at it. Smashing pictures today. I hope Mrs TM enjoyed flinging the glue today. I hope OTL wasn't too sniffy when she got home if he had to go without a shower today. My boy is back to work tomorrow, he better not wake me up when he gets ready for work cos I don't wake him up when I get up at silly o clock, mind I did have a little woof in the garden this morning on account of I thought I could hear something a bit too near my garden. Do you know, my mum said I'm getting a tad fat so she's put me on a diet, she said no more treats when I go to bed, well if she thinks I'm going to stand for that she can think again, I'm wasting away here. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
