Sunday 12 June 2022

Sunny Sunday

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Well, another hot and sunny day here in North Kent and the tide was just right for having a dip!

Just look at that sea, smooth and calm, just right for a swim!

 Old Two Legs was out with the vacuum cleaner cleaning the seats in the big car. Mind you, that didn't take long so the small car got a well-deserved vacuum that removed about ten kilos of stones and sand!

OTL also gave the car a wash with the high-pressure hose thingy which changed the colour from Sahara Sand to its original colour of black!

I think it will take a few more washes before it comes back to its original colour!

I don't have that problem 'cos I'm either muddy or Mono Chrome!

It's sooo cooling!

Being high tide means I can get in the water at one end of the sea wall and follow the sea all the way through to the sandy beach without getting out of the water.

Do I have to get out now?

Today OTL brought along the Macro Lens fitted to his camera with the intention of photographing some of the smaller bugs but to be honest, it was so hot they were hiding in the bushes and we couldn't find them!

Mind you, we did spot this black caterpillar which turns into a Peacock Butterfly when it gets fed up with eating stinging nettles!

Have you ever seen caterpillar poo before?

OTL has got some Stinging Nettles in our garden just for the butterflies but it tries to grab him every time he passes the bush!

Remember a couple of days ago I showed you the Laburnum just beginning to flower? 

Well, here it is, same flower but now fully grown!

Yep, it's the same flower only with a few more flowers!

We watched the F1 Racing but as with all street racing there was little opportunity to overtake unless the cars break down or crash!

OTL still has to do all the oily bits on the big car but that will be tomorrow. It shouldn't take too long and I expect he will only take ten or fifteen minutes!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. It's been very sunny and very warm here today. Once again my mum had to tip Alf out of bed this morning, he's definitely not a morning chap, still we both had a snooze when my mum went out. We've spent most of the day telling my mum we want scoff and having naps in between feeding. Alf is due to go home soon so I'll be able to get my favourite toys out again and snuggle with them when I'm not fighting with them. Smashing pictures today, glad you enjoyed your swim. Them catty pillars do a lot of poo! Good to hear OTL is working on getting the car back to its colour. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Alf and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
