Sunday 31 July 2022

Another Muggy Ole Day!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

Well, it’s been a right old muggy day. From first thing this morning until late this afternoon we have been plodding our way around the sea front looking for interesting things to photograph but what with the wind blowing the trees around and keeping all the bugs buried in the bushes it has not been the best day for bug hunting!

The morning sunrise wasn't the best we have ever seen!

We got the clouds but no sun!

There wasn't the normal number of visitors walking along the front and even the ships were few in number as well!

 Only saw one container ship!

This afternoon was about the same and Old Two Legs saw a couple of Dragonflies but they didn't land and he missed out on getting a shot!

The best he could manage was a flower!

 Not the best shot of the day but at least it's pretty!

The F1 Racing was interesting with some great overtakes and good racing. Now it's two weeks off for a rest and back again after the holiday!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing photos, that flower is very pretty, not quite as pretty as you though. It's been cloudy here most of the day but still very warm. We've had a lazy day, my mum and me had a nice siesta when she got home from work, it's nice to snuggle up with out hearing another woofer snoring. My mums turn tomorrow to go and get stabbed, they need an arm and a leg full of blood from her, she won't let me go and watch though, such a spoil sport. Me and my mum are going to have a nice lazy evening with our paws up. Take care, stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
