Monday 1 August 2022

There are times when all I want to do is sit!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

Another muggy day and Old Two Legs and I had 'discussions'!

When the tempreture gets too high I must admit, a walk and a poo and then I'm ready for home. OTL thinks I should do the whole walk 'cos that means Im getting all the exercise I should!


 I got a better idea; I just turn my back and fall onto the ground and wait for him to come and ask me to follow him!

Mine you, when he finds an interesting bug, he leaves me on the ground waiting for the ship to come in!

  This one is for OTL!

 Mind you, I have always thought that taking a photograph of a couple of butterflies making caterpillars is a bit suspect!

Here's to next year’s brood!

So that's it for today, too hot, too lazy! 

OTL is working away at the year-end stuff and getting in a state and on top of that there are customers wanting deliveries in a hurry!

I told him, 'Don't Knock it'!

We can do with all the orders we can get; I could do with a new bed!

See you tomorrow!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I don't blame you for wanting to do wot you need to do then get back inside in the cool and shade. You can get all the exercise you need jumping on and off the bed. I've only been going out to do wot I need to do then I go back in and jump on and off the sofa or the bed to get up my steps. I've had a lazy day today though and my mum cancelled her appointment to get stabbed ... I reckon she wimped out, she said she felt a bit rough so I've been looking after her today, it's hard work you know. My boy is off to a fun day tomorrow up at Cambridge, he's not really looking forward to it, his idea of a fun day is one where he spends time away from people he works with. Smashing pictures today. As usual, the best one is the one of you. Keep OTL working, he needs to earn the pennies for treats and new woofer beds. Take care, stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
