Saturday 30 July 2022

Another Summer Day!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy Dog here again!

Today it has been a sleepy day, Old Two Legs got up early and was wandering about trying to look like he was awake but he kept banging into the bathroom door while looking for the shower this morning!

Another sort of sunrise down on the sea front and OTL got another shot of the sea!

During the summer we have seen a number of sunrises like this, roll on autumn!

You know it's almost boring, but I'd never say that to OTL!

Walking through the forest we saw some young acorns starting to grow. Now we haven't seen acorns for ages, in fact I can't remember seeing acorns before.

Now, where did I see a conker tree?

OK, I can't remember where the conker tree is but we did see a butterfly resting on a blackberry bush long enough for OTL to take this snap!

OTL started looking at the pile of paper he has to play with, being the 'end of year' then he got all bossy and decided he will leave it all until Monday when it's the first of August!

The F1 Qualifying was exciting and even better was Russel who got first spot on the grid tomorrow. With a bit of luck, he might do well tomorrow!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I've had a nice snoozy day today. Peepot went home at lunch time when his boy came to collect him, naturally, me being such a gracious host, I told him Tata, have you got everything, the pleasure was all yours, do call again but not too soon. I must say, company is nice but it's nice to wave good bye and put your paws up in peace. At least I don't have to worry about another woofer trying to pinch my scoff as well. Smashing pictures today. I don't blame OTL for leaving his work until Monday, I mean it is the weekend, weekends were meant for resting and doing things wot you like to do. Enjoy the racing tomorrow. Take care and stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
