Friday 29 July 2022

Summer Days

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

I just love these summer days. Everyone is on holiday roasting their butts on some beach where they don't speak the same language as us!

Back home the Mini Two Legs are spending the summer school holidays sitting in front of a computer screen fighting World War twenty-seven and that leaves the sea front clear for me to enjoy!

It's a pity the tide is out, I could have gone for a swim!

Walking along the sea front the only thing moving was the plants waving in the wind.

A camera full of colour

Although the breeze has kept the bugs from flying, we did see some of the small butterflies hanging onto the leaves!

There is nothing like a rest on a sunny afternoon.

One of the best things is to have a game with Old Two Legs, where I pretend to dance around and woof at OTL so he chases me back to another path along the sea side!


It's F1 Racing again this weekend, we watched the practise this afternoon but I must admit, I fell asleep half way through but not to worry, there is always tomorrow's qualifying!

Have a good weekend!




  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been another hot day here so for the most part it's been a lazy day for some of us. I went to the vets for my check up and got lots of cuddles and fuss. The vet found a bit of a lump, she thought it might be a fatty lump (cheek) anyways, she asked my mum if she should do a needle aspiration and get it checked. Well you know wot my mum is like, anything wot needs to be checked gets checked. So anyways, I had a huge needle stabbing me and half my insides sucked out but I was a good boy and very brave, well I mean a chap can't cry in front of ladies can they otherwise they think you're a wimp, wot I ain't. I got some treats for being very brave and more cuddles and fuss. Now my mum wasn't as brave as me and she was whimpering when they gave her the bill, she heard £500 and ...... then she went deaf. My mum says I'm worth every penny, well she got that right. Now we've got to wait a week for the results but the vet thinks it might just be a fatty lump. Peepot wasn't as brave, we heard him whimpering when we went out and he didn't have a needle the size of a javelin stuck in him, very close to his willy, I must admit, I didn't dare move in case the needle slipped. Anyways, as usual by the time I got home I was ready for a siesta cos all that cuddling does tire a chap out. Smashing pictures today. I'm glad there aren't crowds spoiling your beach. I'm off for another siesta on account I have to get up early tomorrow cos my mum is back at work. Enjoy the racing. Take care and stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs little (very brave) Arch, peepot and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. What a great picture of you Daisy! You tell him! xxx
