Friday 5 August 2022

Another Mono Day!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy back again.

Yesterday we were thinking about using a red filter but it's use is somewhat limited so we stuck to the yellow filter.

Old Two Legs had the idea of using the InfraRed camera but was too lazy to get it out of the photo cupboard!

So, we stuck to the normal camera with the menu set for Monochromatic use and of course the Yellow Filter!

  A yellow filter is OK but you need a bit of cloud to add some contrast to the shot!

 What OTL should have done was to reduce the White Balance but he was more interested in getting me to keep up and to leave the sniffs alone!

  Should have done the old 'Fiddly Diddly'!

'Fiddly Diddly is OK but I could sniff something on the wind that was calling to me!

 I stood there for a good ten minutes sniffing the breeze and finally I rushed down the path and found it, a dried-up dead rat who I helped roll into the grass!

You know, I reckon it's a bit of dead ratatooie!

One of the good things about walking where we di is that it is a bushy maze and there is a bench half way around, so if I get a bit lazy, OTL can sit there while I catch up with him!


 It's OK providing the birds haven't poo'd on the seat!

 We have never got lost in the maze but there are times when the maze sort of blends into a path!


 Now, this is a bit of the path and not the maze!

 This bench and table were Holly and my favourite bit of shade after coming off the sea front. When OTL sits on the bench there is a nice shadow to relax in!


 You can see the shadow under the table.

 Well, that's it for today, back home to some serious snoozing!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been a bit cooler here today, much nicer for having a walk and a sniff. I went for an early walk on account of my mum wanting to be back so she didn't miss zooooooming. I waved my tail at OTL cos I could hear him calling and whistling. Then most of the rest of the day I snoozed cos the ladyezz were gassing. I don't know how they manage to find things to gas about for the whole day. Smashing pictures again today. Now I hope you didn't pick up any nasties from that rat wot you found, you don't want the grumblies again. I'm off for a snooze on account of I've got to get up early tomorrow to see my mum off to work. Take care, stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
