Saturday 6 August 2022

Another two weeks of sunshine?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

It's another dry, sunshiny day.

Old Two Legs was keeping a close watch on me to keep my back out of the dead rat along the path.

Spoil Sport!

 If I rolled onto the rat, I could have a wash in the sea but OTL said that was a bad idea!

Well, it was a bit cold looking!

We met up with the gang and they were all over OTL like a rash! The Woofers that is, not the Two Legs!

We said 'hello' then went off through the maze where I found the apples had started to fall and picked one up and in the shade of a tree set about chewing lumps off the apple.

It tastes OK but you have to watch out for maggots!

It was only in the maze that we find the apples so I only had time for one apple before OTL called me off!

OTL spends time looking in spiders web and trying to photograph the little devils!

Another one of those multi legged creepy insects but this one had a family of young babies with her!

I looked at the weather forecast and although Scotland was wet, down here we had sunshine for the next two weeks.

Just enough time to get the factor 35 out!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I bet you enjoyed your apple. We've got an apple tree in the garden but there wasn't any apples on it this year on account of my mum pruned it back, she says she's only ever had one apple from it on account of I munch them all before she gets time to pick them, it's only a little tree, so I can reach any apples if I stretch enough. I had visitors today, Brenda and Milly came up to see me, they do love me you know. Now last night my mum was moaning, she was in bed and I thought I'd give her one of them goat type massages, you know where the goats walk up and down on a TL, my mum is very ungrateful, so I decided I'd give her a hot stone massage instead but I didn't have any hot stones so I used my hot tongue, sometimes you just can't please my mum. Smashing pictures today. I'm not keen on the spider picture though but the ones of you are the best. It is quite warm here today, it feels like it's getting hotter again, I don't approve. Take care and stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
