Wednesday 3 August 2022

Another warm one!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here!

I've just been looking at a map showing the rainfall over the July period and guess what we got?


That says it all!

Even with clouds this morning there was no sign of the wet stuff!

Looking out across the Thames Estuary.

We came across this flower on our walk this morning, we have seen it before but not as large as these ones.

I’m not sure what it's called but it's bound to be a weed of some sort!

Another little flower was the Pomeranian called Bobby who had been 'Washed & Sploshed' and wasn't too happy about it! Before, he had been a bundle of fluff but after a shave he had changed his colour from chestnut brown to kaki, except around his head!

Old Two Legs was playing about with the camera and decided to take a colour picture of me hunting in the long grass!

The temperature was so warm this afternoon that we all decided to have a rest and stick our paws in the air!

OTL fell asleep in front of the TV while The Missus collapsed on the sofa and I hid under the desk!

It looks like tomorrow is going to be the same only a bit more sunshine!

Down here we now have a hose pipe ban and I reckon it will last until next spring! 

Lookking at the calendar on the computer a year ago today Holly left us. It doesn't seem like a year ago 

and I still miss her like crazy!

See you tomorrow!




  1. Yo Daisy. We've had the same weather as you, too warm, too muggy, too uncomfortable. Me and my mum didn't get much snooze last night, a few times we went and sat in the garden but it was still too warm. I only went for a short walk this morning on account of I don't like this weather. My mum got my results today and they seem fairly ok but I've got to go back in a month and the vet is going to check regularly that the lump doesn't get bigger or I'll have to have another stabbing to check it again, so paws crossed, I don't mind going back for a cuddle but I don't fancy the stabbing. I'm off to the groomers in the morning, I'm not looking forward to it but my mum keeps saying I'll feel a bit better after when I've got no hair. It was a bit late for me and my mum to have a siesta today on account of waiting for the vet to ring so we'll have an early night, my mum said we could sleep downstairs if I want cos it's cooler. Smashing pictures today, there are 2 that are my very favourites, one is you Daisy and the other is my lovely friend Holly chops, I can imagine you all missing her very, very much, she was a lovely, clever little woofer. We miss hearing about all the things Holly chops knew about, she knew more than google. Bless you little Holly chops. Give Mrs TM and OTL some extra snuggles tonight Daisy. Take care, stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Some for my little mate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Gosh - can't believe it's a year since little Holly passed. Sending hugs to you all xxx
